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E appena stato richiesto un processo e tra le persone per le quali si chiede il rinvio a giudizio c anche Mancino. Ogni volta che, di fronte a questo genere di violenza, si cercava la pista individuale,borse chanel, conducesse essa all deviato o al folle esaltato, si poteva star sicuri che si trattava di un depistaggio. L'ideatore di Battlestar Galactica Ron Moore sta adattando infine per il network il film del 2001 con Heath Ledger A Knight's Tale (Il destino di un cavaliere). Anche gli adulti apprezzeranno il tuffo nella fantasia dell'infanzia (ma non infantile) e nell'illusione del sogno, sul confine tra normalità e follia che l'eroe di Cervantes - colui che "ebbe la fortuna di viver matto e di morir savio" - ha reso per sempre incerto. Sugli sviluppi di un calcio d battuto da Isco pallone in area dove stacca di testa l del Malaga battendo Helton!
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sheoexxxetip Aug 2 '14
Ed è, io credo, un peccato, non soltanto per quello che il PRI è stato nella storia d (il partito di Saffi, di Nenni e di quel comizio che portò alla Settimana Rossa, di Ugo La Malfa, del primo non democristiano Spadolini presidente del Consiglio); ma anche per la sua ambizione,borse chanel 2.55, che era quella, da piccolo partito, di avere un di burberry, capillare e per così dire quotidiana, facendo politica sul territorio e nella vita di tutti i giorni. Poi siamo passati a stampanti con resine molto resistenti, che consentono quindi di fare prototipi utilizzabili nella realtà. alto di lui da mettere in quella posizione. Chiusi tutto l' anno tra quattro pareti, siamo diventati tutti un po' norvegesi, cioè palliducci o perlomeno più scoloriti di una volta, e quando possiamo, nei weekend, settimane bianche, settimane ai tropici, corriamo a farci la tinta passando di botto dal bianco al nero (o rosso), dal nero al bianco e così via. cerimonia si svolger nella chiesa parrocchiale di Sant pi grande del tempio dedicato a San Pietro in Vincoli dice don Gallea e quindi pi adatta ad accogliere molti amici, parenti e militari che vorranno venire fin quass per stringersi alla famigliaEra arrivato a Villar nel 2006, Mauro Gigli, ma in paese lo conoscevano pochi.
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sheoexxxetip Aug 2 '14
SPOKANE, Wash. . - Corbin Boes stopped 30 shots as the Portland Winterhawks extended their win streak to 21 games by downing the host Spokane Chiefs 2-0 on Friday in Western Hockey League action. Alex Schoenborn opened the scoring for the Winterhawks (47-12-5), who havent lost since dropping a 3-2 shootout decision to the Victoria Royals on Jan. 10, and Chase De Leo added an insurance goal in the second period. Portlands Nicolas Petan had his 16-game point streak snapped in the win, as did Oliver Bjorkstrand, who entered the game with at least one point in 14 straight contests. Defenceman Matt Sozanski was caught on the ice for both goals against while Eric Williams stopped 20-of-22 shots for the Chiefs (36-22-6). --- WARRIORS 5 HURRICANES 2 MOOSE JAW, Mich. -- Justin Paulic made 24 saves as the Warriors handed Lethbridge its eighth loss in a row. Colton McCarthy and Jack Rodewald each had a goal and an assist for Moose Jaw (17-38-9) while Miles Warkentine, Sam Fioretti and Alexey Slepstov added the others. Tyler Bell and Taylor Cooper supplied the scoring for the Hurricanes (12-49-5). Lethbridges Teagan Sacher stopped 27-of-32 shots in a losing cause. --- PATS 4 BRONCOS 3 (OT) REGINA -- Connor Gay scored twice, including 4:13 into extra time as the Pats came from behind to edge Swift Current. Dyson Stevenson and Patrick DAmico also scored for Regina (36-23-6), which trailed 2-0 heading into the second period. The Broncos (31-24-9) got goals from Nathan Burns, Jake DeBrusk and Coda Gordon. Daniel Wapple made 34 saves for the Pats while Eetu Laurikainen turned away 36-of-40 shots in a losing cause. --- ICE 4 BLADES 2 SASKATOON -- Wyatt Hoflin made 31 saves and Kootenay scored four unanswered goals to erase an early 2-0 deficit en route to downing the Blades. Landon Cross, Luke Philp, Tim Bozon and Landon Peel scored for the Ice (37-23-4) and Sam Reinhart chipped in with an assist to extend his point streak to 22 games. Cameron Hebig and Graham Miller scored for Saskatoon (16-43-5), which dropped its fourth straight contest. Troy Trombley stopped 39-of-42 shots in a losing cause. --- HITMEN 5 BLAZERS 1 CALGARY -- Brady Brassart had two goals and an assist as the Hitmen beat Kamloops for their 10th win in their last 11 outings. Adam Tambellini and Alex Roach each had a goal and an assist for Calgary (41-15-7) and Pavel Padakin added a single goal. Matt Bellerive replied for the Blazers (13-46-5), who are 2-8-0 in their last 10 games. Mack Shields made 25 saves for the Hitmen as Bolton Pouliot stopped 37-of-42 shots in defeat. --- TIGERS 3 REBELS 2 (SO) RED DEER, Alta. -- Miles Koules scored once in regulation and again in the shootout as Medicine Hat slipped past the Rebels. Curtis Valk also scored for the Tigers (40-22-3), who improved to 8-2-0 in their last 10 games. Wyatt Johnson and Scott Feser each had a goal and an assist for Red Deer (30-30-5). Medicine Hats Marek Langhamer made 25 saves for the win. Patrik Bartosak kicked out 38-of-40 shots for the Rebels. --- ROYALS 5 COUGARS 3 PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. -- Brandon Magee had a goal and an assist as Victoria toppled the Cougars. Travis Brown, Logan Fisher, Austin Carroll and Brett Cote also scored for the Royals (44-17-4), who have won nine of their past 10 outings. Todd Fiddler had a pair of goals for Prince George (26-33-8) and Zach Pochiro had a goal and an assist. Victorias Patrik Polivka made 24 saves while Adam Beukeboom turned away 33-of-37 shots for the Cougars. --- ROCKETS 6 GIANTS 0 KELOWNA, B.C. -- Jordon Cooke made 31 saves and Nick Merkley scored twice as the Rockets blanked Vancouver. Madison Bowey, Mitchell Wheaton, Tyrell Goulbourne and Myles Bell also scored for Kelowna (51-9-4) while Damon Severson tacked on three assists. Giants (30-25-10) forward Jackson Houck had his four-game point streak halted. Payton Lee stopped 29-of-35 shots for Vancouver. --- SILVERTIPS 3 AMERICANS 2 EVERETT, Wash. -- Manraj Hayers goal 1:19 into the third period stood up as the winner as the Silvertips slipped past Tri-City. Carson Stadnyk and Jujhar Khaira also scored for Everett (32-23-9), which is 4-0-1 in its last five games. Lucas Nickles and Parker Bowles scored for the Americans (27-30-8) and Brian Williams assisted on both. Austin Lotz made 25 saves for the Silvertips. Eric Comrie turned away 32-of-35 shots for Tri-City, which dropped its eighth game in a row. . There is some potential on offence but overall the roster doesnt have enough talent to get excited about in 2013. Maybe QB Jake Locker makes the leap in his third year in the league, but Tennessees fortunes are still tied more closely to Johnson at running back, who will need to return to CJ2K for the Titans to have any chance at the playoffs this season. Cheap Yankees Jerseys. The spectacular Oct. 6 goal at B.C. Place saw Camilo launch himself into the air to get a boot to Young-Pyo Lees cross before hammering it home. The 78th-minute goal, Camilos second of the night, beat Donovan Ricketts, recently named MLS goalie of the year, and tied the game at 2-2.Scott Cullen has notes on a premier prospect getting the call, changes in the Red Sox rotation, a 40-year-old getting regular at-bats and more. INJURIES - Cardinals 1B Matt Adams has been put on the DL with calf tightness, resulting in some lineup shifting, with Allen Craig moving from right field to first base, so that the Cardinals could bring up top prospect Oscar Taveras, who was the No. 3 prospect coming into the season, according to Baseball America, and Baseball Prospectus. In 49 games at Triple-A, Taveras had 7 HR, 40 RBI, was hitting .325 with an .897 OPS. Hes already homered in his second major-league at-bat and if Taveras keeps hitting, the Cardinals will surely find a way to keep that bat in the lineup. - Bostons rotation is getting some new faces with LHP Felix Doubront and RHP Clay Buchholz on the DL. RHP Brandon Workman has taken one spot, but the more intriguing arm belongs to RHP Rubby De La Rosa, a power pitcher who struck out eight in seven shutout innings in his first major league start since 2011, when he underwent Tommy John surgery. De La Rosas average fastball was 95.0 MPH, a threshold surpassed by only a handful of starters this season. - Yankees 1B Mark Teixeira, who has been surprisingly productive with 9 HR, 25 RBI and a .242 AVG (.847 OPS) in 37 games, has suffered a setback with his ongoing wrist issues and will be evaluated Tuesday. If Tex has to go on the DL, that likely means more playing time for Kelly Johnson at first, though the Pinstripers could also shuffle Brian McCann there on occasion to get C J.R. Murphys bat into the lineup. Murphy has hit .348 with a .796 OPS in 18 games with the Yankees and had a .773 OPS in the minors last season (before hitting .192 with a .500 OPS in seven games at Triple-A this year). - With Mets CF Juan Lagares joining Eric Young Jr. on the DL, there is now an opportunity for 40-year-old Bobby Abreu, who is hitting .314 with an .880 OPS this season. - Rays RF Wil Myers is out with a sprained wrist. Hes struggled, hitting .227 with a .666 OPS in 53 games. Kevin Kiermaier get a crack at regular playing time and the 24-year-old already has a couple of home runs, thoguh hes been more about speed in the minors, hitting .305 with an .823 OPS and 11 stolen bases in 34 games at Triple-A. - Diamondbacks CF A.J. Pollock hitss the DL with a broken hand, and will miss six-to-eight weeks. Cheap New York Yankees Jerseys. This creates an opportunity for 23-year-old Ender Inciarte, though he has a .380 OPS in 53 plate appearances thus far. He did hit .312 with an .807 OPS and seven steals in 26 games at Triple-A. - With 1B Nick Swisher and DH/3B/C Carlos Santana on the DL, keep an eye on 23-year-old 1B Jesus Aguilar, who had an .889 OPS at Triple-A before getting the call to the majors, where hes managed to hit .188 with a .488 OPS in his first 20 plate appearances. - Jeff Mathis will get some reps behind the plate for the Marlins while Jarrod Saltalamacchia recovers from a concussion. Mathis is hitting .300 with an .867 OPS this year, but hes a career .198 hitter (.573 OPS), so dont bank on that level of production continuing. - Royals 3B Danny Valencia went on the DL with a sprained left hand, giving Mike Moustakas a quick reprieve from his demotion to Triple-A. Moustakas mashed at Triple-A, hitting .355 with a .960 OPS in eight games, but hes been brutal with the Royals, hitting .148 with a .531 OPS. - Dodgers LF Carl Crawford has a sprained ankle, opening the door for Andre Ethier to get regular at-bats, playing centre field while Matt Kemp handles left. Ethier has hit a career-low .256 with a .708 OPS this season, but had an .826 OPS in May following a tough start (.618 OPS in March/April). GOOD ADDS (Available in at least 40% of TSN leagues) Lonnie Chisenhall, 3B/1B, Cleveland - 3 HR, 16 RBI, .361 AVG, 22 R, 133 AB (Available: 41.6%) Brock Holt, 3B, Boston - 1 HR, 11 RBI, .337 AVG, 12 R, 86 AB (Available: 96.4%) Lorenzo Cain, CF, Kansas City - 2 HR, 19 RBI, .328 AVG, 12 R, 122 AB (Available: 71.4%) Michael Saunders, RF, Seattle - 3 HR, 22 RBI, ..275 AVG, 24 R, 131 AB (Available: 86.8%) Kolten Wong, 2B, St. Louis - 0 HR, 11 RBI, .268 AVG, 12 R, 8 SB, 123 AB (Available: 72.5%) Collin McHugh, RHP, Houston - 3-3, 2.80 ERA, 0.98 WHIP, 50 K, 45 IP (Available: 80.9%) Jaime Garcia, LHP, St. Louis - 1-0, 4.12 ERA, 0.81 WHIP, 19 K, 19 2/3 IP (Available: 72.5%) Cody Allen, RHP, Cleveland - 2-1, 3.24 ERA, 1.37 WHIP, 29 K, 23 1/3 IP (Available: 65.0%) Scott Cullen can be reached at and followed on Twitter at For more, check out TSN Fantasy on Facebook. ' ' '
miao1234 Aug 2 '14
NEW YORK -- Brooklyn Nets general manager Billy King said before Friday nights game against Boston that Brook Lopez had surgery earlier this month that "cleaned out" his left ankle. . The procedure, performed on March 3, was the Brooklyn centres second major surgery of the season after he broke his right foot on Dec. 21 during a game at Philadelphia. "The reason we waited to tell you today was because he saw the doctor and his right foot is healing great. In about a week and a half hell be out of the boot. His timetable is about the same," King said. King also added that he expects Lopez to be ready in June. "Hell be out of that boot on the left ankle in I think three, three and a half weeks." During Lopezs most recent surgery, King said that the 25-year-old centre also had a partial tear in a tendon. Prior to fracturing his foot, Lopez had missed a total of nine games due to a sprain in his left ankle. In 17 games this season, the fifth-year centre averaged 20.7 points, six rebounds and 1.8 blocks. The real victory for the Chicago Bulls will come when theyre knocking the Miami Heat out of the playoffs, not during the regular season -- no matter how charged the atmosphere is. Shaq Evans Green Jersey . - Jake Patterson stopped 39 shots, including all 17 that came his way in the third period, and the London Knights toppled the visiting Kitchener Rangers 6-1 on Saturday in Ontario Hockey League play.COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The Columbus Blue Jackets took advantage of the Minnesota Wild, who were coming off an emotional game a day earlier. The Blue Jackets got goals from Cam Atkinson, Nick Foligno, Boone Jenner and R.J. Umberger and Curtis McElhinney posted his first shutout since 2011 in a 4-0 victory on Friday night. "We talked about them playing last night and there was definitely an emphasis to jump all over them," Umberger said, referring to the Wilds 4-3 home win over Chicago. "We were moving pretty good." The Blue Jackets had not played since Tuesday, filling the time with two hard, full practices in which they were able to work on several problem areas. Minnesotas Zach Parise knew his team didnt have its heart in the game. "We were just flat and not crisp," he said. "We were pretty brutal through the neutral zone and couldnt get anything generated." Wild coach Mike Yeo didnt want to use his clubs first home win over the Blackhawks since 2008 as an excuse, but still thought that was the root of his clubs problems. "We played right into that (being tired), too, turning pucks over," he said. "We were on our heels, slow reacting, slow getting to places. We were not pressing the way we needed to be." It was the Blue Jackets second win in a row, the first time theyve won back-to-back games since Oct. 25. They did it in their first game without last years Vezina Trophy winner as the NHLs top goalie, Sergei Bobrovsky, who will miss the next month or so with a strained groin. McElhinney made 20 saves in his first shutout since Feb. 5, 2011, while with the Anaheim Ducks. "Its a good feeling for me to step in here again and have another shutout game, another win," he said, referring to the Blue Jackets consecutive shutouts. "Hopefully, its the start of something good and we can keep it going." Foligno and Umberger each also had assists and Ryan Johansen added two assists to stretch his points streak to four games. The Blue Jackets have been struggling with injuries. In addition to Bobrovsky, top offensive threat Marian Gaborik (sprained knee) is out for another two weeks and top off-season free-agent signing Nathan Horton (shoulder surgery) has yet to play in a Columbus sweater aand likely wont be ready for at least another month. Calvin Pryor Green Jersey. McElhinneys third NHL shutout came in his 78th game. After a scoreless first period, the Blue Jackets took over. At the 1:17 mark of the second, Atkinson took a pass from Dubinsky and wristed a shot from the top of the right circle that Minnesota goalie Niklas Backstrom didnt appear to see. He barely moved as the puck beat him high and near his right shoulder. "Some games its tougher to swallow the puck when you dont see it," he said. The Blue Jackets went on their first power play when Matt Cooke went off for hooking. Columbus soon took advantage on the man advantage. Johansen passed to Umberger for a shot from a hard angle that handcuffed Backstrom, with Johansen then following the puck to get a whack at it on the rebound. Before the puck could be cleared, Foligno found the net on his second attempt from the right doorstep at the 5:40 mark. "We were able to maintain our energy and continue to push," Foligno said. "You saw great efforts from everybody tonight -- and Curtis McElhinney shut the door." The Wild had a prime chance to get back in the game when they had 1:13 of a 5-on-3 advantage midway through the second period. But McElhinney smothered a hard slap shot from the left point by Jason Pominville and then later appeared to stop a high shot by Zach Parise off his mask. "The big thing was that 5 on 3," Columbus coach Todd Richards said. "That was a critical point of the game. Curtis made probably three great saves for us and our (penalty) killers did a great job." Columbus was still controlling the play early in the third when, on a 3-on-3 rush, Jenner wristed a shot from the top of the left circle that eluded Backstrom high on his glove side. The goal, at the 4:38 mark, was the rookies third of the season. Umberger closed the scoring at the 9:05 mark when, while trailing the play, he benefited from a nifty feed from Foligno. Foligno had only one defender to beat but instead whipped a blind pass to Umberger who had virtually an empty net. Notes: The Blue Jackets improved to 35-0 under Richards when leading after two periods. ... It was the Wilds third loss in a row on the road. ... Minnesota has been shut out in two of its past three games. ' ' '
miao1234 Aug 2 '14
VAL-DOR, Que. . -- League scoring leader Anthony Mantha had two goals and two assists to lead the Val-dOr Foreurs over the Blainville-Boisbriand Phoenix 6-3 on Wednesay in Quebec Major Junior Hockey League play on Wednesday. The Foreurs have now won eight in a row. Mantha opened the scoring with his 34th goal of the season just one minute into the contest, and he made it 2-1 with a power-play goal later in the period. Randy Gazzola, Samuel Henley, Jeremie Fraser and Shawn Ouellette-St-Amant also scored for Val-dOr (23-11-0), while Louick Marcotte had three assists. Emil Aronsson, Frederic Bergeron and Marcus Hinds scored for league-leading Blainville-Boisbriand (22-5-5). Keven Bouchard made 23 saves for Val-dOr. Etienne Marcoux allowed six goals on 35 shots for the Phoenix, before he was replaced by Samuel Montembeault, who stopped all three shots headed his way in the final eight-plus minutes. --- WILDCATS 5 ISLANDERS 4 CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. -- Alex Dubeau made 42 saves, plus three more in the shootout, as the Moncton Wildcats recovered after squandering a 4-2 lead in the third period, to beat Charlottetown. JC Campagna failed to score on a penalty shot in overtime, but did score the only goal in the shootout. Cameron Yardwood, Christophe Lalonde, Conor Garland and Josh Pugsley scored for Moncton (16-17-2), which won its fourth in a row. Anthony Cortese, Ryan Graves, Alexis Pepin and Jack Nevins scored for Charlottetown (13-16-5). Pepin and Nevins scored 91 seconds apart in the third period to tie the game for the Islanders, who lost their sixth straight. Antoine Bibeau made 28 saves for Charlottetown. --- SAGUENEENS 3 CATARACTES 2 CHICOUTIMI, Que. -- Laurent Dauphin snapped a 2-2 tie at 17:51 of the third period to lead Chicoutimi to its win over last-place Shawinigan. The rest of the goals were scored in the first period, including three in a 65-second span. Alex Pawelczyk opened the scoring for the Cataractes (17-17-1) at 6:49, and the Sagueneens struck back to take the lead with goals from Janne Puhakka and William Gignac. Alexandre Delisle-Houde tied the game for Shawinigan (6-24-3) with his first goal of the season at 19:06. Storm Phaneuf made 37 saves for the Cataractes, while Domenic Graham handled 25 for Chicoutimi. . JOHNS, N. Ross Cockrell Womens Jersey . Six players scored in double figures for Boston. Rondos double-double was his second straight and fifth overall since he returned from a knee injury on Jan. 17. Jeff Teague had 26 points and DeMarre Carroll scored 24 off the bench for Atlanta, which lost for the 10th time in 11 games.ENGLEWOOD, Colo. -- From rematches to revivals to redemption, its not a good idea to bet against Peyton Manning when it comes to second chances. He has 97 touchdown throws since hooking up with John Elway in Denver two years ago after the Indianapolis Colts released him when neck troubles clouded his football future. After dispatching San Diego Sunday on the anniversary of last years crushing loss to Baltimore in eerily similar circumstances, Manning stands one win from a shot at becoming the first quarterback to win Super Bowls with two franchises. Standing in his way are Tom Brady and the New England Patriots, who beat the Broncos 34-31 in overtime in November. Thing is, its been six years since Manning lost a rematch to a team that beat him earlier in the season. The Broncos (14-3) lost just once at home this season, when they became the highest-scoring team in the Super Bowl era, propelled by Mannings record 55 TD throws and 5,447 yards through the air. That was back on Dec. 12, when they were upset by San Diego, a loss they avenged Sunday by beating the Chargers 24-17. The last time Manning lost twice in a row to the same team was in 2007, when the Colts lost 23-21 at San Diego in November and then dropped a 28-24 heartbreaker at home in the wild-card playoffs. Since then, Manning has won five straight rematches, including the AFC championship against the Jets 30-17 following the 2009 season, avenging a 29-15 loss in Week 16 that ended Indys shot at a perfect season. It took a vintage performance from Manning on Sunday to keep that streak going. After controlling the game for 3 1/2 quarters, the Broncos allowed 17 fourth-quarter points after losing shutdown cornerback Chris Harris Jr. to a torn ACL. The Broncos were facing third-and-17 from their own 20 with three minutes left and Rivers loosening up his right arm on the Chargers sideline, ready for his chance to tie this one just like the Ravens had a year earlier on their way to a 38-35 win in double-overtime. "It was deja vu," Elway, now the Broncos executive vice-president, said on his weekly podcast on the teams website Tuesday. As Manning took the snap and stepped up, the pocket began to collapse around him, but he spotted tight end JJulius Thomas open along the Broncos sideline. The pass was perfect, as was Thomas tap dance until his momentum took him out of bounds at the 41. Then, on third-and-6 from his 45, Manning hit Thomas for a 9-yard gain over the middle with 2:12 left. A year ago, then-offensive co-ordinator Mike McCoy called for a run by undersized Ronnie Hillman on third-and-7 at about the same point in the game, which in turn led to Joe Flaccos 70-yard touchdown heave to Jacoby Jones over Rahim Moore with 31 seconds left. This was the ultimate second chance, and Manning made good on it. "Julius and I have spent a lot of time working on those particular routes, after practice, in practice," Manning said. "And thats one of the most rewarding parts of football, when you put that work in, off to the side and after practice, and it pays off for you in a game ... those two plays were certainly worth the hard work." Thomas had just one career catch coming into this season, his third in the NFL, and he had gotten hurt on that one reception, no less. He even briefly considered giving up his dream of playing football. But this season, he broke Hall of Famer Shannon Sharpes team record for tight ends by catching 12 TD passes and it was his emergence that freed up Mannings other targets — Demaryius Thomas, Eric Decker and Wes Welker, along with running back Knowshon Moreno — who all joined him with 10 or more touchdowns. Thomas, who didnt play in the first matchup against the Patriots because of a knee injury, finished with six catches for 76 yards Sunday, but none was longer — or bigger — than his 21-yarder. "Third-and-17 was the play of the game," Elway said. "We had to pick it up, keep the chains moving, keep them off the field and not give them a chance and so thats where it was tremendous. The offensive line did a great job of protecting Peyton, Julius Thomas made a great catch dragging his feet on the sideline. "But who knows where the game goes if we dont make that play? Those are the types of plays you have to make in playoff football to be able to advance." And make the most of second chances. ' ' '
miao1234 Aug 2 '14
ATLANTA -- David Hale made things difficult on the Reds by facing the minimum 21 batters over his last seven innings. cheapseahawksjerseysfromchina . That performance leaves Braves manager Fredi Gonzalez with a tough decision. Hale allowed only two hits over eight innings in a performance that may not be enough to save his spot in Atlantas rotation and the Braves beat the Cincinnati Reds 4-1 on Saturday night. Hale (1-0) has a 2.31 ERA in four starts but could lose his spot in the rotation next week, when left-hander Mike Minor is expected to come off the disabled list. Hale, a rookie right-hander, had good command of his sinkerball as he made it difficult for the Braves to send him back to Triple-A Gwinnett. "I mean, obviously that stuff runs through my head," Hale said of keeping his spot in the rotation. "I try not to let it get too deep in there. My goal is to be here and do the best I can and let things fall the way they will, so well see what happens." Freddie Freeman, Justin Upton and Evan Gattis each homered off Cincinnatis Mike Leake (2-2). Hale gave up a walk and two hits, including Ryan Ludwicks run-scoring double, in the first inning. He didnt allow another hit over the next seven innings. "So he threw a no-hitter after that," Ludwick said. "He did an outstanding job. What did we have? Two hits? ... Not a whole lot of offence." Reds manager Bryan Price said Hale "just never really gave us a chance. He pitched really well. It was very impressive." Cincinnatis only other baserunner against Hale came on Jay Bruces leadoff walk in the fourth, and the Braves ended that inning with a double play. Craig Kimbrel closed the combined two-hitter -- a season low for the Reds -- for his eighth save. Kimbrel gave up a one-out walk to Joey Votto in the ninth before striking out Brandon Phillips and Bruce to end the game. Freeman hit a two-run homer in the first inning. Upton and Gattis hit back-to-back homers in the third. Upton, who also hit a homer in the Braves 5-4 win on Friday night, leads the team with seven. Ludwick reached over the left-field wall to take another homer away from Freeman in the third inning. The three homers matched the most allowed in a game by Leake, who gave up four runs and eight hits in seven innings. Minor was projected as one of the teams top starters even before Kris Medlen and Brandon Beachy had season-ending elbow injuries in spring training. Minor had urinary tract surgery on Dec. 31, which pushed back his spring schedule. He then developed shoulder soreness and was shut down in spring training. Before the game, Gonzalez brushed off Minors ugly numbers in what is expected to be his final minor league rehab appearance on Friday night for Double-A Mississippi at Pensacola. Gonzalez said a "howling" wind was a major factor as Minor gave up five runs and 10 hits, including four homers. Gonzalez said hell wait until after Minors next side session to announce any rotation changes for next week. After Hales dominant performance, Gonzalez wouldnt be drawn into a discussion on how hell find a spot for Minor. "Let me enjoy the day, and well talk about it in the morning," Gonzalez said. The Reds held out third baseman Todd Frazier after he left Friday nights game with tightness in his left leg. Price said Frazier probably could have played and likely will miss only one game. Neftali Soto was 0-for-3 in his first career start as Fraziers replacement. NOTES: The Cincinnati Reds placed C Devin Mesoraco on the 15-day disabled list with a strained left hamstring. The team recalled C Tucker Barnhart from Triple-A Louisville. ... Leake also allowed three homers against Pittsburgh on July 19, 2013. ... Reds LHP Aroldis Chapman, on the DL with facial fractures after he was hit by a line drive on March 19, threw 43 pitches in batting practice. He is scheduled to throw another simulated game on Tuesday in Cincinnati before beginning a rehab stint in the minors. ... B.J. Uptons infield single in the first was his 1,000th career hit. ... The Braves released Triple-A Gwinnett first baseman Ernesto Mejia after reaching a deal for him to play with Japans Seibu Lions. ... The series ends Sunday with Atlantas Julio Teheran facing Johnny Cueto in a matchup of right-handers with ERAs under 2.00. cheapjerseyswholesalenfl . 98 jersey in a game yet, and already its a big . 18, 2011. Burgess, a fifth-year science student from Halifax, scored five goals in two games over the weekend to lead the Huskies (2-1) to a road sweep of UNB, 3-2, and Moncton, 5-1. The prolific striker tallied all three of her teams goal Saturday in Fredericton, including the game-winner in the 79th minute, and added a pair on Sunday as Saint Marys wrapped up its perfect tour of New Brunswick.ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- The Tampa Bay Rays had a difficult decision to make: What was more encouraging, Canadian Erik Bedards performance or the offences breakout night? Bedard, from Ottawa, gave up one hit in seven scoreless innings and the Rays had 10 hits in a 7-1 victory Saturday over the Cleveland Indians that broke a four-game skid. Winning his second straight start after 15 without a win, Bedard gave up a double to Ryan Raburn in the second inning, Clevelands only hit until Lonnie Chisenhall led off the ninth with a single off Grant Balfour. Just as refreshing for the Rays, who had lost six straight home games, was the offensive output led by James Loney, who had three hits and drove in two runs. The Rays had only 10 runs while losing the four preceding games on their homestand. "Tonight we came out ready to swing and it led to good things," said Matt Joyce, who drove in two runs with sacrifice flies. "We have some great players here. Obviously, this year hasnt gone the way we wanted so far and it was a rough week for us, but weve still got a little ways to go." Bedard (2-1) is the only Rays starter to go six innings over the teams last seven games. Manager Joe Maddon "was tinkering with the idea" of sending him for a seventh before calling for Juan Carlos Oviedo, who followed with two perfect innings. "I had probably 10 pitches left," said Bedard, who has allowed one run or less in three straight starts for the first time since 2008. "Im always a slow starter so the first couple were rough, but after that you just get in the groove oof things and throw strikes. " Bedard got nine of his outs on flyballs. "He just really mixed and matched angles, speeds, everything," said Cleveland manager Terry Francona. "(Raburn) hit the line drive double, but other than that, there was a lot of lazy flyballs. Kind of exactly what he wants you to do." Zach McAllister (3-3) gave up eight hits and five runs in 4 1-3 innings for the Indians, who had won four straight. David DeJesus drove in Tampa Bays first run with a two-out single in the third. The Rays made it 3-0 in the fourth when Loneys first hit was followed by Wil Myers double and the first of Joyces sacrifice flies. Yunel Escobar drove in the second run with a two-out single. Ben Zobrist had two hits and scored twice for the Rays, who had lost six straight home games. NOTES: John Axford is out as the Indians closer, Francona announced before the game. A group of four relievers that includes Cody Allen, Scott Atchison, Marc Rzepczynski and Bryan Shaw could all get opportunities to fill the role. ... Rays RHP Alex Cobb, who has been on the DL since April 13 with a left oblique strain, is likely to pitch in a simulated game Monday in Port Charlotte, Florida, then make a rehab start five days later. Cobb hopes to pitch for the Rays by the end of the May. ... Indians CF Michael Bourn, as expected, was rested. He played Thursday and Friday after missing three games with a tight left hamstring. ... Rays RHP Chris Archer (2-1) and Indians RHP Josh Tomlin (1-0) are Sundays scheduled starters. ' ' '
miao1234 Aug 2 '14
BRIDGEVIEW, Ill. Cheap Redskins Jerseys . -- Obafemi Martins scored twice before his first-half ejection, Lamar Neagle added the winner and the Seattle Sounders earned their league-high 10th victory, beating the Chicago Fire 3-2 Saturday night. The Sounders (10-3-2) stopped Chicagos unbeaten streak. The Fire (2-4-8) had tied their last two matches. Seattle midfielder Neagle scored on a screened shot from the left side to make it 3-1 in the 78th minute. The Fires Harry Shipp cut the lead to 3-2 four minutes later on his second goal of the night. Sounders goalkeeper Stefan Frei stopped Juan Luis Anangono from 12 yards in the 88th minute to preserve the win. Martins, who had missed an open net in the fifth minute, beat Chicago goalkeeper Sean Johnson in the 31st and 38th minutes. He was ejected for an altercation with the Fires Benji Joya seconds after Shipp scored his first goal in the 41st minute. Martins was ejected after wrestling the ball away from Joya and knocking him to the turf. Joya got up holding his jaw as a major shoving match ensued. Martins was the second player ejected. Chicagos Jhon Kennedy Hurtado was ejected in the 37th minute for going after the ball and Martins with both feet in the air. Martins scored his second goal on the ensuing penalty kick. Martins first goal came from 10 yards out after he beat Fire defender Bakary Soumare to a loose ball after a deflection. Shipp beat Frei for Chicagos first goal about 90 seconds after Martins successful penalty kick.Cheap St.Louis Cardinals Jerseys . Commissioner Roger Goodell also appointed Dave Gardi to senior vice-president of football operations. The moves were announced Wednesday. . -- It took a trip to sunny South Florida to cool off the Toronto Maple Leafs.INDIANAPOLIS -- Indiana coach Frank Vogel wants to see his team come out of the All-Star break the way it opened the season when the Pacers won 16 of their first 17 games. Theyre off to a good start. Paul George scored 26 points, including four 3-pointers, to lead the Pacers to a 108-98 victory over the Atlanta Hawks on Tuesday night. "We understood the dog days (of the season) would be a grind," Vogel said. "Now thats behind us." David West had 17 points and Lance Stephenson added 13 to help the Pacers beat the Hawks for the second time in three meetings this season. Not only does Indiana want to start the second half of the season like it did back in October, the Pacers want to be even better. That could be scary for the rest of the NBA. "We want to peak towards the end of the season and were on our way," centre Roy Hibbert said. "The last 20 games, we want to play our best ball." Kyle Korver scored 19 points, shooting 5 for 7 on 3-pointers, and Lou Williams added 18 points for the Hawks, who have lost six straight. The Pacers, who return from the break with three games in five days, went on a 12-2 run in the third quarter on a basket by West, two 3-pointers by George and a dunk and layup by George Hill to stretch the lead to 73-54. The Pacers put the game away when Ian Mahinmi converted a three-point play and Danny Granger hit a 3 to make it 101-82. After the Pacers jumped to a 19-point lead in the third quarter, the Hawks scored seven straight. Korver hit a 3, Jeff Teague made two free throws, and Williams had a layup to make it 75-63. West gave Indiana an 80-67 lead with two free throws before Atlanta scored six straight on shots by Mike Scott, Williams, and Paul Millsap. For Atlanta, starting a stretch of four games in five nights, the teams injury woes didnt get any better. Forward DeMarre Carroll was listed as a game-time ddecision, but didnt play for the second straight game because of a left hamstring strain. And centre Gustavo Ayon left in the first half with a right shoulder injury and didnt play in the second half. The Pacers almost shut the door on the Hawks right from the start, using a 16-0 run to build a 22-5 lead early in the first quarter. Stephenson hit a 3, West scored twice, and Hibbert made two free throws. Later, George, who scored 14 first-quarter points, hit a jumper, a 3-pointer, and later dunked with 7:00 remaining in the opening period. "We werent getting good looks at the basket," Korver said. "They were making everything it seemed like and we dug ourselves a really big hole." Indiana led by 22 in the first quarter when Stephenson scored with 4:37 left to give the Pacers a 31-9 lead. The Hawks then went on a 12-2 run. Elton Brand scored and Korver hit a 3-pointer. West made two free throws to extend the lead for Indiana before Williams hit a 3 and two free throws, and Millsap scored to make it 33-19. "We have to be able to get off to good starts," George said. "We have got to understand that teams are going to rally back, but I thought they made the game closer than it needed to be when we had a good lead." The Hawks got within three when Korver hit a 3 to make it 52-49 with 1:02 left in the first half, but never could get over the hump. George made two free throws and Hill hit a 3 with 7.2 seconds left in the first half to give the Pacers a 57-49 halftime lead. NOTES: Hawks C Pero Antie was out with a right ankle stress fracture. ... F Al Horford was out after having right pectoral muscle surgery. . G John Jenkins was out while recovering from lower back surgery. . Indianas 35 points in the first quarter was the most Atlanta has given up in the opening quarter this season. . Indiana scored a season-high 35 points off of Atlantas 22 turnovers. ' ' '
miao1234 Aug 2 '14
BOISBRIAND, Que. . - The Drummondville Voltigeurs handed the Blainville-Boisbriand Armada just their second loss of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League season on Thursday. Georgs Golovkovs and Guillaume Gauthier each had a goal and an assist in Drummondvilles 4-1 win over Blainville-Broisband. Nikolas Brouillard and Christophe Lalancette also scored for the Voltigeurs (13-6-1). Emil Aronsson spoiled Louis-Philip Guindons shutout bid at 8:16 of the third period. Guindon finished with 25 saves for Drummondville. Armada (15-2-2) goalie Etienne Marcoux handled 14-of-18 shots, and also got a slashing penalty. --- WILDCATS 8 SEA DOGS 3 MONCTON, N.B. — Ryan Penny scored in every period to lead the Moncton Wildcats to a rout of the Sea Dogs. Conor Garland opened the scoring for Moncton (10-12-1) 54 seconds into the game, while third-period goals by Cameron Yarwood, Christophe Lalonde, Ivan Barbashev and Will Smith put the game out of reach. Matthew Highmore, Noah Zilbert and Jeremy Doucet scored for the Sea Dogs (6-13-2). Doucets goal, with under four minutes left, was his first of the season. Alex Dubeau made 35 stops for the Huskies, and Antoine Landry made 31 saves Saint John. --- ISLANDERS 5 TITAN 3 BATHURST, N.B. — Antoine Bibeau made 42 saves and Charlottetown rallied from a 2-0 deficit with four unanswered goals. Acadie-Bathurst (8-11-2) opened the scoring in the first period with goals from Christophe Boivin and Scott Oke. The Islanders (11-7-2) tied the game before the period was out with goals from Jack Nevins and Alexandre Goulet. Kameron Kielly put Charlottetown in front with a power-play goal at 3:44 of the second period, and a few minutes later, Alexis Pepin made it 4-2. Spenser Cobbold scored his first of the season in the third period for the Islanders, before Alexandre Gosselin closed the scoring for Acadie-Bathurst. Mason McDonald stopped 23 shots for the Titan. --- HUSKIES 4 TIGRES 1 ROUYN-NORANDA, Que. — Antoine Waked opened the scoring for the Huskies, who built a 4-0 lead en route to the win. Liam OBrien and Francis Perron scored in the second period, and Quinn OBrien closed the scoring for the Huskies (12-6-2) in the third. Victoriavilles (9-10-1) Jan Mandat spoiled Alexandre Belangers shutout bid at 14:44 of the third period. Belanger finished with 20 saves, while Tigres goalie Brandon Whitney turned back 34 shots. --- Cheap Washington Redskins Jerseys . Alex Gough, Sam Edney and the doubles tandem of Justin Snith and Tristan Walker combined in the new event but missed winning a medal by one-tenth of a second. Cheap Lakers Jerseys . The Nationals also swept the three-game series, their first sweep since June 8-10, 2010 when they beat the Pittsburgh Pirates in a three-game set. Jerry Hairston Jr. PHOENIX -- Manny Ramirez arrived at the Oakland Athletics training facility Friday to begin his return to baseball and said he was intent on demonstrating "I can still play." The As are hoping he can return to the level that made him one of the most feared hitters in baseball. Ramirez got off to a good start. After taking batting practice, in which he hit seven home runs off As coach Mike Gallego, Ramirez addressed the media accompanied by his wife, Juliana, and two sons, Manny Jr. and Lucas. "I was kind of nervous coming to the stadium," Ramirez said. "Im here because God brought me here. I know a lot of people are, Oh, hes not going to play anymore, but you know something? When God says that theyre going to open the door for you, no matter what anyone says, the door is going to open. Thats why Im here." Juliana occasionally put her hand on Ramirez as he spoke about difficulties -- he did not address specifics -- hes endured since telling Major League Baseball he was retiring a week into the 2011 season. He was arrested last September for allegedly hitting his wife during a domestic altercation. "I made some mistakes and I want to show my children I can correct them," Ramirez said. "I was about to lose my family. My wife brought me to church. She changed my environment and I found a lot of good people out there." The 12-time All-Star signed a minor league deal with the As on Monday thats worth $500,000 if hes added to the big league roster. He will be allowed to participate in spring training games and exhibition games scheduled in Japan, but must serve a 50-game suspension for his second positive drug test before he can play in the regular season for Oakland. "Sometimes you dont appreciate what you have until you lose it, and thats what happened to me," Ramirez said. "Now I appreciate my family more, my kids, the game. Ive got a beautiful wife, Ive got my kids, my family and Im getting my career back. Its been a blessing." Ramirez had retired from the Tampa Bay Rays last season rather than serve a 100-game suspension. "Im thankful that I have a job," Ramirez said. "At least I can still play baseball in the minor leagues and work on things. Cheap St.Louis Cardinals Jerseys. " Ramirez, the career leader in post-season home runs (29) and RBIs (78), said he has no expectations other than to show he can play. As manager Bob Melvin said someone of his stature could influence the rest of the team. "He can be a great example with his work ethic," Melvin said. "We have some young kids and, who knows, maybe something will rub off." Ramirez is 14th on baseballs all-time home run list with 555 and 18th on the all-time RBIs list with 1,831 and is a career .312 hitter. "I think guys are excited to see what Manny Ramirez is all about," Melvin said. "He said all the right things; that he was thankful to be here. He said you will have no problems with me, and I appreciated that." Ramirez will wear the number 1 -- as in a new start -- because his first choice, 7, belonged to infielder Adam Rosales. "God made the world in seven days," Ramirez said. "And everything starts with one." There was a buzz in the As clubhouse the moment Ramirez walked in and sat in front of his locker. His new teammates warmed up to him quickly as introductions were made around the room. Everybody stopped what they were doing to watch Ramirez take batting practice. Melvin was certainly impressed in the little he saw of it. "I saw all I needed to see," he said. "I saw the one ball he hit off the centre field wall. He truly is one of those guys who has the mechanics of his swing right away. Rarely do you see him off balance." Notes: Brett Anderson and Dallas Braden, each coming off season-ending surgeries, threw side sessions, while tentative opening day starter Brandon McCarthy threw to hitters for the first time. "They both looked like regular pitchers instead of guys on rehab," Melvin said. "McCarthy really went at it and he looks to be in midseason form." ... Ramirez was slotted into a hitting group that also includes former teammates Coco Crisp and Jonny Gomes. ... RHP Ryan Cook continues to impress. "I look for him to compete for a spot in the bullpen," Melvin said. "He has an exploding fastball and movement on top of that." ' ' '
miao1234 Aug 2 '14
SHANGHAI, China -- Just weeks after raising the possibility of a strike in protest at the crowded tennis calendar, Andy Murray and Rafael Nadal acknowledged Tuesday that bringing the top players together to formulate a plan might be difficult. Authentic Dee Ford Jersey . Murray last month said a meeting would likely take place during this weeks Shanghai Masters, but the withdrawals of Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic seem to have put paid to that. The No. 4-ranked Murray said Tuesday that co-ordinating players schedules wasnt easy. "Whether it happens or not, its quite a tough thing to do because theres a lot of players to co-ordinate and sometimes guys dont go to the same tournaments," Murray said. "Tennis players arent always the easiest people to get hold of when theyre not at tournaments." Nadal said the timing wasnt right to have a discussion about a possible next step. "There is something there, but is not the right moment to talk about it," he said Tuesday. "Always is better talk about the things when you know exactly whats going to happen and when you know exactly what we are going to do." Murray, Nadal and Andy Roddick have been among the most vocal in urging changes to the packed tennis calendar and the number of events the top players are required to enter each year. Last November, the ATP decided to extend the tennis off-season from five to seven weeks in response to years of complaints from players about the length of the season and the toll it takes on their bodies. But other issues came to a head during the rain-soaked U.S. Open, when Nadal, Murray and Roddick voiced concerns about the conditions of the courts and the schedule that forced Nadal to play three matches in three days. Since then, Roddick has pushed for the creation of a players union similar to those in other major pro sports that could act on players behalf in negotiations with ATP officials. After his first-round win in Shanghai on Monday, Roddick said he was hopeful the other players were still "passionate" about forming a collective response to their grievances. He added, however, that a cautious approach was for the best. "We need to be smart about it and take our time and make sure that its well thought out and not be kind of reactionary. But, you know, there is a discussion going on," he said. Murray was quoted by the BBC last month saying that a strike was a "possibility," but he appeared to be in more reconciliatory mood on Tuesday when he said that neither he nor any of the players he had spoken to wanted that outcome. "Its so far away from being at that level. The players havent even sat down and spoke," he said. Murray also stressed that the players only wanted a minimal change to the calendar. "Its just a matter of one or two less mandatory events during the year. Thats it," Murray said. "Doesnt really need to be a huge change in the calendar or huge change within tennis or the rankings or anything like that. "Its just very small things that seem so difficult to get done. I think sometimes the players find it difficult to understand why that is." Aaron Murray Womens Jersey . -- Atlanta has lost linebacker Sean Weatherspoon for at least eight weeks and running back Steven Jackson will miss the Falcons next game -- and maybe more. Aaron Murray Jersey . Rene Tosoni homered in the 10th inning and Chris Parmelee added an RBI single to give Minnesota a 6-4 victory over the Cleveland Indians on Sunday.EDMONTON -- The Edmonton Oil Kings are back in the Western Hockey League championship final for the third consecutive year. Brett Pollocks second goal of the game 14:22 into the third period was the winner as the Oil Kings defeated the Medicine Hat Tigers 4-3 on Saturday to win the series 4-1. The Oil Kings now face the Portland Winterhawks yet again for the Ed Chynoweth Cup. Edmonton beat Portland for the Cup in 2012, but were beatten in 2013 by the Winterhawks. Authentic Aaron Murray Jersey. Mads Eller, with a short-handed goal, and Edgars Kulda also scored for Edmonton, which had three goals in the second period. Cole Sanford replied with two goals for the Tigers while Jacob Doty chipped in with a single. Tristan Jarry made just 16 saves in net for Edmonton. The loss ruined a spectacular effort by Tigers goaltender Marek Langhamer, who stopped 48-of-52 shots. ' ' '
miao1234 Aug 2 '14