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What is ISO 45001?

ISO 45001 is the first international standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S). It provides a framework for an OH&S management system and can be used by any organization, regardless of size or industry. The standard is designed to help organizations reduce the risks and potential for accidents and injuries in the workplace.

What is ISO 45001 Certification?

ISO 45001 certification is a formal recognition that an organization has implemented an OH&S management system that meets the requirements of the standard. Certification is granted by an independent third-party organization, such as a certification body or registrar. This certification demonstrates to customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders that an organization is committed to protecting the health and safety of its employees.

Why ISO 45001 Certification is Essential for Businesses?

Workplace safety is a critical issue for businesses of all sizes. Accidents and injuries not only result in lost productivity and higher insurance premiums, but they can also lead to lawsuits and other legal action. By implementing an ISO 45001-certified OH&S management system, businesses can minimize the risks associated with workplace accidents and injuries.

How Long Does it Take to Get ISO 45001 Certified?

The time it takes to get ISO 45001 certified depends on the following factors:

  • The size and complexity of the organization

  • The maturity of the OH&S management system

  • The availability of resources

  • The location of the organization

Generally, it takes between 6 to 12 months to get ISO 45001 certified. However, some organizations have been able to achieve certification in as little as 3 months.

How to Get ISO 14001 Certified?

The first step in getting ISO 45001 certified is to develop an OH&S management system that meets the requirements of the standard. This can be done by using a consultant or certification body, or by following the guidance in ISO 45001. Once the management system is in place, the organization can then begin the certification process.

The certification process generally consists of the following steps:

1. Submission of an application for certification

2. Evaluation of the organization by a certification body

3. On-site visit by a certification body

4. Issuance of ISO 45001 certificate

5. Surveillance audits

Organizations that are interested in getting ISO 45001 certified should contact a certification body or registrar for more information.

ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Training

In order to conduct an ISO 45001 certification audit, auditors must have completed lead auditor training. This training is designed to provide auditors with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess an organization's compliance with the standard. The length of ISO 45001 lead auditor training varies, but it is typically a 5-day course. ISO 45001 lead auditor training is offered by a variety of organizations, such as training institutes, certification bodies, and registrars.


As you can see, getting ISO 45001 malaysia can take anywhere from 3 to 12 months, depending on the size and complexity of your organization. If your organization ISO 45001 certified, be sure to contact a certification body or registrar for more information.

Aug 30 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 45001 malaysia

What is an ISO 22000 Certificate?

An ISO 22000 certificate is an internationally recognized certification that demonstrates a company's commitment to food safety. The certification process involves developing and implementing a food safety management system (FSMS) that meets the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. Once the FSMS is in place, a third-party certification body will assess the system to ensure it meets the standard's requirements. If the certification body is satisfied, the company will be awarded an ISO 22000 certificate.

How To Obtain ISO 22000 Certificate?

Become familiar with the standard

The first step in obtaining ISO 22000 certification is to become familiar with the requirements of the standard. The standard can be purchased from the ISO website or from a variety of other sources. Once you have a copy of the standard, take some time to read through it and understand the requirements.

Develop a food safety management system

The next step is to develop a food safety management system (FSMS) that meets the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. This will involve developing policies and procedures related to food safety, and implementing controls to ensure that the food produced by your company is safe for consumption.

Provide ISO 22000 Training

Once the FSMS is in place, it is important to provide ISO 22000 training to all employees who will be working within the system. This will ensure that everyone understands their role in maintaining food safety and knows how to properly implement the controls within the system.

Implement the FSMS

After the FSMS has been developed and employees have been trained, the system must be implemented. This involves putting the policies and procedures into place and ensuring that all employees are following them. It is important to monitor the system on a regular basis to ensure that it is running smoothly and that there are no gaps in food safety.

Get Certified

Once the FSMS is up and running, you can contact a certification body to begin the certification process. The certification body will assess your system to ensure that it meets the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. If the certification body is satisfied, you will be awarded an ISO 22000 certificate.


In order to obtain an ISO 22000 malaysia, a few steps must be followed. First, familiarize yourself with the standard and then develop a food safety management system that meets its requirements. Once the system is in place, provide ISO 22000 training to all employees who will be working within it. After implementing the system, you can contact a certification body to begin the certification process. If they are satisfied, you will receive an ISO 22000 certificate.

Aug 29 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 22000 malaysia

ISO 45001 is the first international standard for occupational health and safety. It provides a framework to identify, control, and minimize the risks associated with work-related injuries and ill health. The standard is designed to help organizations improve their OH&S performance by providing a clear and structured approach to managing workplace risks.

Understand the Requirements of ISO 45001 and Undergo Training

The first step in auditing ISO 45001 is to understand the requirements of the standard. ISO 45001 is a comprehensive standard that covers all aspects of occupational health and safety management. As such, it can be daunting to try to audit all of the requirements at once. It is important to take the time to read through the standard and familiarize yourself with its requirements. Additionally, taking an ISO 45001 lead auditor training course would be helpful in understanding how to plan, conduct, and follow-up on an ISO 45001 audit. This certification course will also give candidates the proper credentials to conduct external audits of an organization’s OHSMS.

Develop an audit plan

Once you have a good understanding of the standard, you can begin developing your audit plan. Your audit plan should outline which parts of the standard you will be auditing and how you will go about doing so. It is important to be as detailed as possible in your audit plan so that you can ensure that you cover all of the relevant requirements.

Conduct your audit

After you have developed your audit plan, you can begin conducting your audit. During your audit, you will need to gather evidence to support your findings. This evidence can come in the form of documents, interviews, or observations. Once you have gathered all of the necessary evidence, you can begin writing your report. 

Write your report

Once your audit is complete, you will need to write a report detailing your findings. Your report should include a summary of your findings as well as any recommendations for improvement. Once your report is complete, it should be submitted to the organization for review.

Follow up

After you have submitted your report, it is important to follow up with the organization to ensure that corrective action has been taken. This follow-up can be in the form of an interview or another visit to the organization.

Auditing ISO 45001 malaysia can be a complex and time-consuming process. However, by following these steps, you can ensure that you cover all of the relevant requirements.

Aug 28 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 45001 malaysia

To obtain CE Certification, your products must meet all of the necessary requirements. There are a few key steps that you need to take in order to ensure that your products are compliant:

Identify the Directives that Apply To Your Product

In order to CE mark a product, it must fall under one or more of the New Approach Directives. These directives establish the requirements that products must meet in order to be sold throughout the EU. There are currently 14 New Approach Directives, which cover a wide range of products including electrical equipment, medical devices, and toys. 

Identify the Applicable Standards

After you have determined which directives apply to your product, you need to identify the standards that correspond to those directives. The European Commission has published a list of harmonized standards for each directive, which must be met in order for a product to be CE-marked. 

Register for CE Certification

The next step is to register your product with a certification body. Certification bodies are independent organizations that assess whether products meet the necessary requirements for CE marking. When selecting a certification body, it’s important to choose one that is accredited and reputable. 

Documentation and Testing

Once you have registered your product, you will need to submit relevant documents related to the product’s design, manufacture, and performance. The certification body will also send the products to an accredited testing laboratory, which will assess whether the products meet the applicable standards. 

Receive CE Certificate 

If your product passes all of the tests, the certification body will issue a CE certificate. This mark indicates that your product meets all of the necessary requirements and can be sold throughout the EU. The CE mark must be affixed to your product in a visible, accessible, and legible manner. 

CE Certification Training

To better understand the CE certification process, it’s helpful to take a CE certification training course. These courses are offered by a variety of organizations and can provide valuable insights into the certification process. By taking this training you will be able to learn about the requirements for CE marking, and how to meet them. It covers wide range of topics related to CE certification, including an overview of the CE marking process, the requirements for CE marking, and how to prepare for CE certification. 


CE certification is required in order to sell products throughout the European Union. The process involves registering your product with a certification body, submitting documentation, and having the product assessed by an accredited testing laboratory. If your product passes all of the tests, you will receive a CE certificate. It’s also helpful to take a CE certification training course in order to better understand the process.

Aug 26 · 0 comments · Tags: ce certification

Understand the requirements

The first step in obtaining an ISO 27001 certificate is to understand the requirements of the standard. ISO 27001 is a comprehensive standard that outlines the requirements for an information security management system (ISMS). In order to be certified, organizations must implement an ISMS that meets all of the requirements of the standard.

Implement an ISMS

Once you have a good understanding of the requirements of ISO 27001, you can begin implementing an ISMS. There are many different ways to do this, but one popular approach is to use a risk management framework such as ISO 31000. This will help you to identify and manage risks to your information security.

Apply for ISO 27001 Certification

After you have implemented an ISMS, the next step is to apply for ISO 27001 certification. This can be done through a number of different certification bodies. The most important thing is to make sure that the certification body is accredited by a recognized accreditation body. Once you have selected a certification body, you will need to submit an application and undergo an audit. 

Undergo Audits and Get Certified

After you have submitted your application, the certification body will conduct an audit to ensure that your ISMS meets all of the requirements of ISO 27001. If the audit is successful, you will be issued a certificate. You will then need to undergo periodic audits in order to maintain your certification.

Maintain your Certification

Once you have been certified, you will need to undergo periodic audits in order to maintain your certification. These audits will ensure that your ISMS is still compliant with the requirements of ISO 27001. You will also need to make sure that you keep your ISMS up to date in order to stay compliant with the standard.

Benefits of Certification

There are many benefits to obtaining an ISO 27001 certificate. ISO 27001 Certification can help you to win business, demonstrate your commitment to information security, and improve your overall security posture. It can also help you to identify and manage risks to your information security.


Organizations that wish to obtain an ISO 27001 certificate must first understand the requirements of the standard. They must then implement an ISMS that meets all of the requirements of the standard. After implementing an ISMS, organizations must apply for certification and undergo an audit. Once certified, organizations must maintain their certification by undergoing periodic audits. There are many benefits to obtaining an ISO 27001 certificate, including the ability to win business and improve security posture. iso 27001 malaysia

Aug 26 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 27001 malaysia

What is Meant by CE Certification?

The letters "CE" are the abbreviation of the French phrase "Conformité Européenne" which literally means "European Conformity". The CE Mark on a product is a manufacturer's declaration that the product complies with the essential requirements of the relevant European health, safety, and environmental protection legislation, in practice by one of the European Conformity Assessment Schemes. CE Certification means that a product has been assessed by the manufacturer and deemed to meet EU safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. It is required for products placed on the market in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Advantages of Obtaining CE Certification

Demonstrates Compliance with European Safety Standards

The CE mark is a symbol that indicates that a product has been independently tested and verified to meet all applicable EU safety, health, and environmental protection standards. Having your products CE-certified demonstrates to customers that you are committed to offering safe and high-quality products.

Helps You Access New Markets

In addition to the European Union, there are many other countries around the world that recognize this certification. By getting your products CE-certified you can access new markets and expand your business.

Enhances Your Company’s Reputation

Customers are more likely to purchase products from companies that offer products that have been certified as safe and compliant with international standards. Therefore, having your products CE-certified can help improve your company’s reputation.

Shows That You Are invested in Quality Control

By having your products CE-certified, you can demonstrate that you are committed to quality control and offering safe and compliant products. This commitment can help to build customer trust and loyalty, leading to repeat business and long-term success for your company.

Reduces Risk of Product Liability

Certification can help to reduce the risk of product liability as it demonstrates that you have taken all the necessary steps to ensure that your products meet applicable safety standards. This can help to protect your company in the event that something goes wrong with one of your products.

Builds Consumer Confidence

When consumers see the CE mark on a product, they can be confident that the product has been independently tested and verified to meet all applicable safety standards. This can help to build consumer confidence in your products and your company.


To sum it up, CE certification is beneficial to companies in many ways. It helps them access new markets, enhances their reputation and builds consumer confidence. In addition, it can help to reduce the risk of product liability and improve quality control. Therefore, if you are selling products in the European Union or other countries that recognize this certification, it is definitely worth getting your products CE-certified.

Aug 22 · 0 comments · Tags: ce certification

Achieving ISO 15189 Certification assists medical laboratories in developing their quality management system and assessing their own competence. It can also be used for confirming or recognizing the competence of medical laboratories by regulating authorities, laboratory customers, and accreditation bodies. Overall, ISO 15189 certification demonstrates a laboratory’s commitment to providing accurate and reliable results. ISO 15189 in Malaysia is becoming increasingly popular as more medical laboratories are striving to become certified.

IAS provides a very simple yet efficient ISO 15189 certification process to help your organization achieve ISO 15189 certification in a timely manner!

Benefits of ISO 15189 Certification

Implementing ISO 15189 in Malaysia can improve medical laboratory processes and increase customer satisfaction. With ISO 15189 certification, medical laboratories can:

Enhance the quality of patient care by providing accurate results on tests Develop a systematic approach to management which helps in achieving efficiency Strengthen the institution’s reputation as one that provides high quality services Increase credibility and trust among customers Enhance customer confidence in the institution Benefit from better cost control and improved profits

Overall, ISO 15189 certification ensures that medical laboratories meet international standards for quality and accuracy. It also enables them to provide accurate results on tests, thereby enhancing patient care. By achieving ISO 15189 Certification, medical laboratories can be recognized for their commitment to providing quality services.

How to Achieve ISO 15189 Certification Through IAS?

Contact IAS by sending the Application Form and call us for a discussion to guide you in getting ISO 15189 certification.

Prepare your organization for ISO 15189 certification by implementing and practicing the standard, monitoring, and continually improving. You can even register for ISO 15189 Internal Auditor Training to train your employees on how to conduct effect internal audits of the medical laboratory quality management system. Majorly, the process of ISO 15189 certification includes 2 audit stages: Stage 1 Audit: Readiness Audit Stage 2 Audit: Verifying the Effectiveness of the System The organization applying for ISO 15189 certification will be audited based on an extensive sample of its sites, services, process, products & functions.

If there is any deviation observed during the audit, a deviation report will be submitted along with the detailed audit report. According to the grading of the deviations, IAS determines the time required for its closure including the correction and corrective actions which have to be approved by IAS. After the effective closure of Nonconformity, ISO 15189 certification is issued with the scope that was audited. 

Aug 22 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 15189 certification

Achieving ISO 15189 Certification assists medical laboratories in developing their quality management system and assessing their own competence. It can also be used for confirming or recognizing the competence of medical laboratories by regulating authorities, laboratory customers, and accreditation bodies. Overall, ISO 15189 certification demonstrates a laboratory’s commitment to providing accurate and reliable results. ISO 15189 in Malaysia is becoming increasingly popular as more medical laboratories are striving to become certified.

IAS provides a very simple yet efficient ISO 15189 certification process to help your organization achieve ISO 15189 certification in a timely manner!

Benefits of ISO 15189 Certification

Implementing ISO 15189 in Malaysia can improve medical laboratory processes and increase customer satisfaction. With ISO 15189 certification, medical laboratories can:

Enhance the quality of patient care by providing accurate results on tests Develop a systematic approach to management which helps in achieving efficiency Strengthen the institution’s reputation as one that provides high quality services Increase credibility and trust among customers Enhance customer confidence in the institution Benefit from better cost control and improved profits

Overall, ISO 15189 certification ensures that medical laboratories meet international standards for quality and accuracy. It also enables them to provide accurate results on tests, thereby enhancing patient care. By achieving ISO 15189 Certification, medical laboratories can be recognized for their commitment to providing quality services.

How to Achieve ISO 15189 Certification Through IAS?

Contact IAS by sending the Application Form and call us for a discussion to guide you in getting ISO 15189 certification.

Prepare your organization for ISO 15189 Certification by implementing and practicing the standard, monitoring, and continually improving. You can even register for ISO 15189 Internal Auditor Training to train your employees on how to conduct effect internal audits of the medical laboratory quality management system. Majorly, the process of ISO 15189 certification includes 2 audit stages: Stage 1 Audit: Readiness Audit Stage 2 Audit: Verifying the Effectiveness of the System The organization applying for ISO 15189 certification will be audited based on an extensive sample of its sites, services, process, products & functions.

If there is any deviation observed during the audit, a deviation report will be submitted along with the detailed audit report. According to the grading of the deviations, IAS determines the time required for its closure including the correction and corrective actions which have to be approved by IAS. After the effective closure of Nonconformity, ISO 15189 certification is issued with the scope that was audited. 

Aug 20 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 15189 certification

About ISO 22000

ISO 22000 is an international standard that specifies requirements for a food safety management system. It was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in order to help organizations in the food industry to control food safety hazards and to ensure safe food production. ISO 22000 is based on the internationally recognized Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, and it can be used by any organization that is involved in the food supply chain, from farmers and manufacturers to retailers and restaurants. 

Requirements for ISO 22000

Management Commitment

The first requirement for ISO 22000 is management commitment. This means that top management must be committed to the development and implementation of the food safety management system (FSMS). Top management must also ensure that all employees are aware of the importance of food safety and are properly trained in food safety procedures.

Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment

The second requirement for ISO 22000 is hazard analysis and risk assessment. This means that businesses must identify and assess all potential hazards that could affect food safety. Once potential hazards have been identified, businesses must put controls in place to mitigate the risks associated with those hazards.

Food Safety Policy

The third requirement for ISO 22000 is a food safety policy. This policy must be developed by top management and must be made available to all employees. The food safety policy must state the commitment of the organization to produce safe food products and must outline the procedures that will be followed to achieve this goal.

ISO 22000 Training

The fourth requirement for ISO 22000 is training. Employees must be trained in food safety procedures and must be made aware of the importance of food safety. ISO 22000 Training must be provided on a regular basis, and employees must be kept up-to-date on new procedures and changes to existing procedures.

Implementation and Operation of the FSMS

The fifth requirement for ISO 22000 is the implementation and operation of the FSMS. This means that businesses must put in place all of the procedures and controls outlined in their food safety policy. Businesses must also establish a system for monitoring and documenting compliance with these procedures and controls.

Evaluation and Corrective Action

The sixth requirement for ISO 22000 is evaluation and corrective action. This means that businesses must periodically evaluate their FSMS to ensure that it is effective in controlling food safety hazards. If any problems are identified, businesses must take corrective action to address those problems. Additionally, businesses must have a procedure in place for investigating incidents of non-compliance with food safety requirements.

These are some of the major requirements for ISO 22000. However, there are many other requirements that businesses must meet in order to be certified to this standard. businesses that are planning to implement ISO 22000 should consult with a certification body or an experienced consultant in order to ensure that they are meeting all of the requirements. iso 22000 malaysia

Aug 19 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 22000 malaysia

About ISO 22000

ISO 22000 is an international standard that specifies requirements for a food safety management system. It was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in order to help organizations in the food industry to control food safety hazards and to ensure safe food production. ISO 22000 is based on the internationally recognized Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, and it can be used by any organization that is involved in the food supply chain, from farmers and manufacturers to retailers and restaurants. 

Requirements for ISO 22000

Management Commitment

The first requirement for ISO 22000 is management commitment. This means that top management must be committed to the development and implementation of the food safety management system (FSMS). Top management must also ensure that all employees are aware of the importance of food safety and are properly trained in food safety procedures.

Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment

The second requirement for ISO 22000 is hazard analysis and risk assessment. This means that businesses must identify and assess all potential hazards that could affect food safety. Once potential hazards have been identified, businesses must put controls in place to mitigate the risks associated with those hazards.

Food Safety Policy

The third requirement for ISO 22000 is a food safety policy. This policy must be developed by top management and must be made available to all employees. The food safety policy must state the commitment of the organization to produce safe food products and must outline the procedures that will be followed to achieve this goal.

ISO 22000 Training

The fourth requirement for ISO 22000 is training. Employees must be trained in food safety procedures and must be made aware of the importance of food safety. ISO 22000 Training must be provided on a regular basis, and employees must be kept up-to-date on new procedures and changes to existing procedures.

Implementation and Operation of the FSMS

The fifth requirement for ISO 22000 is the implementation and operation of the FSMS. This means that businesses must put in place all of the procedures and controls outlined in their food safety policy. Businesses must also establish a system for monitoring and documenting compliance with these procedures and controls.

Evaluation and Corrective Action

The sixth requirement for ISO 22000 is evaluation and corrective action. This means that businesses must periodically evaluate their FSMS to ensure that it is effective in controlling food safety hazards. If any problems are identified, businesses must take corrective action to address those problems. Additionally, businesses must have a procedure in place for investigating incidents of non-compliance with food safety requirements.

These are some of the major requirements for ISO 22000. However, there are many other requirements that businesses must meet in order to be certified to this standard. businesses that are planning to implement ISO 22000 should consult with a certification body or an experienced consultant in order to ensure that they are meeting all of the requirements.

Aug 19 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 22000 training
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