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Understand the Requirements

The first step to getting an ISO 45001 certificate is to understand the requirements of the standard. ISO 45001 is a standard that sets out the requirements for an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). The standard is designed to help organizations improve their occupational health and safety performance.

ISO 45001 Training

Once you understand the requirements of ISO 45001, you will need to get trained on how to implement the standard. There are a number of ways to do this, but one option is to take an ISO 45001 training course. ISO 45001 training will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to implement the standard in your organization.

Implement an OHSMS

Once you have understood the requirements of ISO 45001 and are trained on how to implement the standard, you will need to implement an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) that meets those requirements. There are a number of ways to do this, but one option is to use a software tool such as ISO 45001:2018 Online from SGS. This tool can help you to plan, implement, and manage your OHSMS.

Apply for Certification

Once you have implemented an OHSMS that meets the requirements of ISO 45001, you can apply for certification. Certification is voluntary, but it can be a useful way to show your commitment to occupational health and safety. There are a number of certification bodies that offer certification for ISO 45001. To find a certification body, you can search the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) website. You will need to submit an application to the certification body, along with a fee. The certification body will then carry out an audit to assess whether your OHSMS meets the requirements of ISO 45001.

Undergo Audits and Get Certified

Once you have submitted your application and paid the fee, the certification body will carry out an audit to assess whether your OHSMS meets the requirements of ISO 45001. The certification body will issue a certificate if they are satisfied that your OHSMS meets the requirements of the standard.

Maintain your Certification

After you have achieved certification, you will need to maintain your certification by ensuring that your OHSMS continues to meet the requirements of the standard. You will also need to undergo periodic audits by your certification body to ensure that your OHSMS is still compliant with ISO 45001.


Getting an ISO 45001 certificate is a voluntary process that involves implementing an Occupational Health and Safety Management System, undergoing audits, and maintaining your certification. By getting certified, you are demonstrating your commitment to occupational health and safety. training iso 45001

Jul 30 · 0 comments · Tags: training iso 45001

Get Experience in the Field

In order to become a lead auditor, you will need to have experience working in the field of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). This can be gained through working in a safety-related role in a variety of industries. You should also try to get as much experience as possible working with OHS management systems. Besides, it would be beneficial if you undergo ISO 45001 internal auditor training.

Apply for an ISO ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Training Program

When you feel that you have the necessary experience, you can apply for an ISO 45001 lead auditor training program. These programs are usually offered by accredited training organizations. During the program, you will learn about the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard and how to carry out first, second and third-party audits. You will learn about the auditing process, how to gather evidence and how to write audit reports.

Pass an ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Examination

Once you have successfully enrolled for the training program, you will have to attend the training sessions and pass an ISO 45001 lead auditor examination at the end of the program. The examination will assess your knowledge of the ISO 45001 standard and your ability to apply it in an audit context.

Get Certified as an ISO 45001 Lead Auditor

After you have passed the examination, you will be certified as an ISO 45001 lead auditor. This valuable credential will open up many opportunities for you in the field of OHS. You can use your certification to find a job as an OHS consultant or auditor. You can also use it to start your own OHS consulting business.

Benefits of Becoming an ISO 45001 Lead Auditor

There are many benefits to becoming an ISO 45001 lead auditor. As a lead auditor, you will be able to provide your clients with an unbiased and objective assessment of their Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS). In addition, as a lead auditor you will be able to:

  • Help your clients improve their OHSMS
  • Identify potential improvements to your clients' OHSMS
  • Train other auditors in ISO 45001 principles and requirements
  • Provide expert advice on ISO 45001 to organizations preparing for certification.


Becoming an ISO 45001 lead auditor can be a very rewarding experience. It will give you the opportunity to help organizations improve their OHSMS and make a difference in the field of Occupational Health and Safety. If you have the necessary experience and qualifications, don't hesitate to apply for an ISO 45001 lead auditor training program. Once you have successfully completed the program and passed the examination, you will be well on your way to a rewarding career in OHS. iso 45001 training malaysia 

ISO 45001 Certification is the first international standard for occupational health and safety. It provides a framework to identify, control, and minimize the risks associated with work-related injuries and ill health. The standard is designed to help organizations improve their OH&S performance by providing a clear and structured approach to managing workplace risks.

Understand the Requirements of ISO 45001 and Undergo Training

The first step in auditing ISO 45001 is to understand the requirements of the standard. ISO 45001 is a comprehensive standard that covers all aspects of occupational health and safety management. As such, it can be daunting to try to audit all of the requirements at once. It is important to take the time to read through the standard and familiarize yourself with its requirements. Additionally, taking an ISO 45001 lead auditor training course would be helpful in understanding how to plan, conduct, and follow-up on an ISO 45001 audit. This certification course will also give candidates the proper credentials to conduct external audits of an organization’s OHSMS.

Develop an audit plan

Once you have a good understanding of the standard, you can begin developing your audit plan. Your audit plan should outline which parts of the standard you will be auditing and how you will go about doing so. It is important to be as detailed as possible in your audit plan so that you can ensure that you cover all of the relevant requirements.

Conduct your audit

After you have developed your audit plan, you can begin conducting your audit. During your audit, you will need to gather evidence to support your findings. This evidence can come in the form of documents, interviews, or observations. Once you have gathered all of the necessary evidence, you can begin writing your report.

Write your report

Once your audit is complete, you will need to write a report detailing your findings. Your report should include a summary of your findings as well as any recommendations for improvement. Once your report is complete, it should be submitted to the organization for review.

Follow up

After you have submitted your report, it is important to follow up with the organization to ensure that corrective action has been taken. This follow-up can be in the form of an interview or another visit to the organization.

Auditing ISO 45001 can be a complex and time-consuming process. However, by following these steps, you can ensure that you cover all of the relevant requirements.


Jul 29 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 45001 certification

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a widely-recognized information security standard that provides guidance for establishing and maintaining an information security management system (ISMS). The standard is designed to help organizations protect their information assets, including their confidential data, from potential threats.

What is ISO 27001 Certification?

ISO 27001 certification is confirmation from a third party that an organization’s ISMS meets the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard. Certification provides organizations with a valuable stamp of approval that can be used to demonstrate their commitment to information security to customers, partners, and other interested parties.

Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification

  • Helps in protecting an organization's critical data and information assets
  • Provides an effective framework to strengthen an organization's cyber security posture
  • Reduces the probability of information breaches and incidents
  • Helps organizations to comply with various data protection laws and regulations
  • Demonstrates an organization's commitment to information security
  • Can lead to improved customer satisfaction and confidence
  • Provides a competitive edge over other organizations that are not certified

Drawbacks of ISO 27001 Certification

There are also some drawbacks to ISO 27001 certification, including the cost and time required to achieve certification. The certification process can be lengthy and complex, and businesses may need to hire consultants or other experts to assist with the process. Additionally, once a business is certified, it will need to maintain its certification by regularly auditing its ISMS.

Is ISO 27001 Certification Right for Your Business?

The decision of whether or not to pursue ISO 27001 certification is a strategic one that should be made by senior leaders within an organization. Certification may be right for your business if you are seeking to improve your information security posture, demonstrate your commitment to data protection, or gain a competitive edge over other organizations in your industry. However, you should also be aware of the potential costs and time required to achieve and maintain the certification. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to pursue ISO 27001 certification should be based on a careful evaluation of your organization’s needs and objectives.

ISO 27001 Certification Process

The ISO 27001 certification process typically consists of the following steps:

  • Conduct a gap analysis to identify any gaps between your current ISMS and the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard.
  • Implement changes to your ISMS to close any gaps identified in the gap analysis.
  • Submit a formal application for certification to a certification body.
  • Undergo an on-site assessment by a team of auditors from the certification body.
  • Obtain ISO 27001 certification if the auditors determine that your ISMS meets the requirements of the standard.


ISO 27001 certification can be a valuable tool for businesses seeking to improve their information security posture and demonstrate their commitment to data protection. Certification may not be right for every business, but for those who decide to pursue it, the benefits can be significant. iso 27001 malaysia


Jul 25 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 27001 malaysia

What is Meant by ISO 20000 Certified?

ISO 20000 Certification is an internationally recognized standard that specifies the requirements for an Information Technology Service Management System (ITSM). The standard is designed to help organizations improve their IT service delivery and support processes. ISO 20000 certification refers to a formal third-party assessment of an organization's ITSM processes against the requirements of the ISO 20000 standard. An organization is said to be ISO 20000 certified if it has been assessed and found to be compliant with the standard.

Benefits of Getting ISO 20000 Certification

  • Improved efficiency and productivity in your organization's IT service delivery processes
  • Reduced costs associated with IT service delivery
  • Increased customer satisfaction with your organization's IT services
  • Improved ability to manage and deliver complex IT services
  • Better alignment of your IT service processes with your business goals
  • Demonstration of your organization's commitment to quality in IT service delivery.

How Can You Get ISO 20000 Certified?

Understand the Standard

The first step to getting ISO 20000 certified is to make sure you understand the standard. The ISO 20000 standard is a set of requirements for organizations that provide IT service management. It includes requirements for things like service delivery, service support, and continual improvement.

Find a Certification Body

The next step is to find a certification body that can provide you with certification. Certification bodies are organizations that have been accredited by ISO to provide certification services. They will assess your organization to see if you meet the requirements of the ISO 20000 standard.

Prepare for the Assessment

Once you have found a certification body, you will need to prepare for the assessment. This includes putting together all of the documentation that the certification body will need to assess your organization. This documentation includes things like your IT service management system documentation, your policies and procedures, and your records of compliance with the ISO 20000 standard.

Undergo the Assessment

After you have prepared all of the necessary documentation, you will undergo the assessment itself. This assessment will be conducted by a team of assessors from the certification body. They will review your documentation and interview your staff to determine if you meet all of the requirements of the ISO 20000 standard.


If the certification body determines that you meet all of the requirements of the ISO 20000 standard, you will be awarded certification. Once you have been certified, you will need to maintain your certification by continuing to meet the requirements of the ISO 20000 standard. You will need to undergo periodic assessments to ensure that you are still in compliance with the standard.


So, in order to get ISO 20000 certified, you need to make sure you understand the standard, find a certification body, prepare for the assessment, and undergo the assessment. If you are found to be compliant with the standard, you will be awarded certification. You will need to maintain your certification by continuing to meet the requirements of the standard and undergoing periodic assessments.

Jul 25 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 20000 certification

What is an ISO 22000 Certificate?

An ISO 22000 certificate is an internationally recognized certification that demonstrates a company's commitment to food safety. The certification process involves developing and implementing a food safety management system (FSMS) that meets the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. Once the FSMS is in place, a third-party certification body will assess the system to ensure it meets the standard's requirements. If the certification body is satisfied, the company will be awarded an ISO 22000 certificate.

How To Obtain ISO 22000 Certificate?

Become familiar with the standard

The first step in obtaining ISO 22000 certification is to become familiar with the requirements of the standard. The standard can be purchased from the ISO website or from a variety of other sources. Once you have a copy of the standard, take some time to read through it and understand the requirements.

Develop a food safety management system

The next step is to develop a food safety management system (FSMS) that meets the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. This will involve developing policies and procedures related to food safety, and implementing controls to ensure that the food produced by your company is safe for consumption.

Provide ISO 22000 Training

Once the FSMS is in place, it is important to provide ISO 22000 training to all employees who will be working within the system. This will ensure that everyone understands their role in maintaining food safety and knows how to properly implement the controls within the system.

Implement the FSMS

After the FSMS has been developed and employees have been trained, the system must be implemented. This involves putting the policies and procedures into place and ensuring that all employees are following them. It is important to monitor the system on a regular basis to ensure that it is running smoothly and that there are no gaps in food safety.

Get Certified

Once the FSMS is up and running, you can contact a certification body to begin the certification process. The certification body will assess your system to ensure that it meets the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. If the certification body is satisfied, you will be awarded an ISO 22000 certificate.


In order to obtain an ISO 22000 certificate, a few steps must be followed. First, familiarize yourself with the standard and then develop a food safety management system that meets its requirements. Once the system is in place, provide ISO 22000 training to all employees who will be working within it. After implementing the system, you can contact a certification body to begin the certification process. If they are satisfied, you will receive an ISO 22000 certificate.

About The ISO 22301 Standard

The ISO 22301 standard is the internationally recognized standard for business continuity management systems (BCMS), that provides an effective framework to help organizations protect themselves from the effects of disruptive incidents. ISO 22301 Certification demonstrates that an organization is in compliance with the standard and has a robust and well-designed system in place to protect against, reduce the likelihood of, and ensure its ability to rapidly recover from disruptive incidents.

Why Should I Certify to ISO 22301?

There are plenty of reasons to get ISO 22301 certification, the international standard for business continuity management. Here are just a few:

1) To show that your organization is serious about continuity planning

ISO 22301 Certification demonstrates that you have put in the work to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to keep your business up and running in the face of disruptions, whether they be small-scale incidents or large-scale disasters. This can help give customers, clients, and other stakeholders confidence in your organization's ability to weather any storm.

2) To prepare for the unexpected

By its very nature, continuity planning is all about preparing for the unexpected. By taking the time to develop and implement an ISO 22301-compliant plan, you can be confident that your organization will be able to cope with whatever comes its way.

3) To minimize downtime and disruptions

Disruptions to your business can be costly, both in terms of lost revenue and damaged reputation. By having a certified ISO 22301 management system in place, you can help to minimize the impact of disruptions and get your business back up and running as quickly as possible.

4) To improve your organizational resilience

A certified ISO 22301 management system can help you build a more resilient organization by identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your current setup and putting systems and processes in place to address them. This can help reduce the occurrence and/or impact of future disruptions.

5) To get ahead of the competition

In today's increasingly competitive marketplace, any edge you can give yourself is valuable. By showing that you have gone the extra mile to ensure business continuity, you can set yourself apart from your competitors who have not invested in such certification.

There are plenty of good reasons to certify to ISO 22301 Training - these are just a few of them! If you're looking to improve your organization's continuity planning, this international standard is definitely worth considering.

Jul 22 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 22301 training
Introduction to IATF 16949

The IATF 16949 Certification is a globally recognized standard for quality management systems (QMS) in the automotive industry. Developed by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), this certification aims to harmonize the various assessment and certification systems in the global automotive supply chain. It builds on the foundation of ISO 9001, adding specific requirements for the automotive sector.

Key Requirements of IATF 16949

To achieve IATF 16949 certification, organizations must meet several stringent criteria:

  • Customer Focus: Companies must demonstrate a strong commitment to understanding and meeting customer needs and expectations.
  • Leadership and Management: Effective leadership and a robust QMS are essential. Top management must be actively involved in maintaining and improving the system.
  • Process Approach: Organizations need to adopt a process-oriented approach, ensuring that all processes contribute to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the QMS.
  • Risk-Based Thinking: Identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks is crucial to maintaining product quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Continual Improvement: Companies must continually improve their processes and systems, striving for enhanced performance and reduced variability.
Benefits of IATF 16949 Certification

Achieving IATF 16949 certification offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: By meeting stringent quality standards, companies can better satisfy customer requirements and expectations.
  • Improved Product Quality: The certification emphasizes defect prevention and reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain.
  • Global Recognition: IATF 16949 is recognized worldwide, facilitating easier access to global markets and fostering international trade relationships.
  • Competitive Advantage: Certified companies often enjoy a competitive edge, attracting more business opportunities and improving their reputation in the industry.
Certification Process

The process of obtaining IATF 16949 certification involves several steps:

  1. Preparation and Planning: Organizations must thoroughly understand the standard's requirements and develop an implementation plan.
  2. Documentation and Implementation: This phase includes creating necessary documentation and implementing the QMS throughout the organization.
  3. Internal Audits: Conducting internal audits helps identify gaps and areas for improvement before the formal certification audit.
  4. Certification Audit: An accredited certification body conducts a thorough audit to ensure compliance with IATF 16949 standards.
  5. Continual Improvement: Post-certification, companies must continually monitor and improve their QMS to maintain certification.

IATF 16949 certification is a critical standard for automotive companies aiming to enhance their quality management systems. By adhering to its stringent requirements, organizations can achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction, product quality, and global competitiveness. The certification process, while rigorous, ultimately leads to significant long-term benefits, establishing a strong foundation for excellence in the automotive industry.

ISO 22000 Standard

ISO 22000 is a globally recognized food safety standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization that specifies the requirements for a food safety management system (FSMS). The standard equips organizations with a framework to identify and control food safety hazards at all stages of the food chain. It is designed to ensure that food is safe to consume and covers all aspects of food safety, from farm to fork.

How ISO 22000 Ensures Food Safety?

The ISO 22000 standard is a food safety management system that can be applied to any organization in the food chain, from primary production to the consumer. It is based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and incorporates aspects of quality assurance. It provides a framework for hazard analysis and risk-based controls throughout the food chain, including raw materials, packaging, processing, transportation, and distribution.

Benefits of Implementing ISO 22000

  • It helps in providing safe and quality food products to consumers
  • There is a reduction in the number of product recalls
  • It helps businesses to save money by reducing wastage and losses due to spoiled food
  • It enables businesses to gain a competitive edge in the market
  • It increases customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • It helps businesses to comply with food safety regulations
  • It provides a framework for an effective food safety management system

How Can You Learn About ISO 22000 Standard?

If you are looking to learn more about ISO 22000, you can undergo ISO 22000 training from a reputable provider. There are different levels of ISO 22000 training, from foundation to lead auditor, that can help you gain a better understanding of the standard and how to implement it in your organization. Choosing the right ISO 22000 training course will ensure that you are able to properly apply the standard and realize its benefits.

What is ISO 22000 Certification?

ISO 22000 certification is a voluntary process that demonstrates an organization's commitment to food safety and its ability to consistently produce safe food products. It is awarded by a certification body after the organization has undergone a rigorous assessment process and has been found to be in compliance with the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. ISO 22000 certification can be a very valuable marketing tool, as it provides a competitive advantage and can help to win new business.


To sum up, the ISO 22000 standard is a comprehensive approach to food safety management that encompasses both the production and distribution of food. It covers all aspects of food safety, from farm to fork, and addresses the needs of all stakeholders in the food chain. The standard is designed to be used by organizations of all sizes and types and can be adapted to the specific needs of each organization. iso 22000 malaysia

Jul 19 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 22000 malaysia

What is ISO 22000?

ISO 22000 is a globally recognized standard for food safety management systems (FSMS) that can be applied to any organization in the food chain, from primary production to transport and distribution, retail, and consumption. It is based on the HACCP principles and provides a holistic, systematic, and preventive approach to managing food safety risks. It provides guidelines on how to identify and control food safety hazards at all stages of the food supply chain, from farm to fork.

What Does ISO 22000 Certified Mean?

ISO 22000 certification is a formal validation indicating that an organization has implemented a food safety management system (FSMS) that meets the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. This certification provides reassurance to customers and other stakeholders that an organization takes food safety seriously and is committed to continual improvement. It is provided by an independent third-party certification body after a rigorous assessment process.

Benefits of Getting ISO 22000 Certified

Improved Food Safety

The ISO 22000 standard requires organizations to have a food safety management system in place. This comprehensive system covers all aspects of food safety, from the initial supplier to the final consumer. By having such a system in place, certified organizations can be sure that their products are safe for human consumption.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Concerns over food safety are growing among consumers. By becoming ISO 22000 certified, organizations can show their customers that they are committed to providing safe and quality products. This may result in greater client satisfaction and loyalty.

Improved Efficiency

A well-run food safety management system can help organizations improve their overall efficiency. By streamlining processes and procedures, certified organizations can save time and money.

Greater Access to Markets

Many buyers will only do business with organizations that are ISO 22000 certified. By becoming certified, organizations can open up new markets and expand their customer base.

Improved Public Image

ISO 22000 certification can help improve an organization’s public image. Customers and the general public will view the organization as being committed to food safety and quality. This may result in increased sales and brand recognition.

Which Organizations Can Get ISO 22000 Certified?

Any organization in the food supply chain can get ISO 22000 certified, from primary producers to processors, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. Certification is also available for catering companies, restaurants, and other food service organizations.


ISO 22000 Training is a valuable credential for any organization in the food supply chain. It demonstrates a commitment to food safety and quality, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction, efficiency, and market access. Certification is available for any type of food-related organization, from primary production to retail. Getting certified can be a complex and time-consuming process, but the benefits are well worth the effort. 

Jul 18 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 22000 training
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