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Small businesses are stressful to lead. Why? Because a small group of people is looking for so many work functions simultaneously, like government regulations, laws, production and sales, supply chains, financial issues, quality problems, the workforce, etc. Now, what can lead a small business to a sustainable and continuously growing organization are consistent quality services. Consistency in workflows, quality, and processes will allow small businesses to think about the improvement of their businesses.

If an SME (small- to medium-sized enterprise) keeps on struggling with its routine quality issues, then there are far fewer chances for the business to sustain and grow. Thus, the most beneficial tool for an SME to attain sustainability in its processes is ISO 9001 certification. A small business can benefit significantly from the systematic process approach that the ISO 9001 standard provides

Why ISO 9001 certification?

The ISO 9001 standard is a basic framework for any organization – large or small – to ensure a good Quality Management System (QMS). The purposes of the standard are to allow a company to provide higher levels of customer satisfaction, along with consistently supplying products or services that meet customer requirements, as well as to achieve business goals and targets and to maximize profitability. ISO 9001 Certification Body can help a small business in business process consistency and supplier relations. 

Examples of  how ISO 9001 helps SMEs:

ISO 9001 certification requires the business to ensure that all materials are purchased from suppliers that have been evaluated based on quality criteria, and these suppliers must be re-evaluated at defined intervals to ensure ongoing material quality and consistent supply chains.

ISO 9001 certification can help SMEs to increase their business – and eventually, their profitability – by building up a business with the customers for whom certification is a contractual requirement.

ISO 9001 allows SMEs to gain a clear understanding of their business by gathering all of the valuable business information and data mandated by the various standard requirements. Some examples include risk management processes, the context of the organization, customer feedback, and reviews, results of internal audits and management reviews, analysis of corrective actions, product or service complaints, etc.

ISO 9001 provides the basis to develop a system that increases confidence in the company’s stability while providing reliable, recorded information and data to identify and move forward with potential improvements.

See more details about ISO 9001 as a business management system in this article: ISO 9001: Why it should be viewed as a business management system.

As ISO 9001 is a Quality Management System standard, which is a business development opportunity, let’s see how it can benefit the SME financially. To see some challenges that might come up while implementing ISO 9001, read this article: The 3 key challenges of ISO 9001 implementation for SMEs.

Financial benefits of ISO 9001 certification

ISO 9001:2015 Certification increases business opportunities with potential clients, as well as international business. Some companies do business only with ISO-certified companies, so a business that has an ISO certification will get preference over those that do not. That means that a certified SME will get more business and, therefore, more revenue. Further on, consistent production operations and fewer product failures cut down on quality costs, resulting in more profitability. Consistent quality in products or services leads to higher customer retention rates and increases customer confidence in the business, which leads to the enhancement of the business and eventually results in financial growth.

Increased revenue is the byproduct of ISO 9001 certification. It directly helps the business to develop a sustainable Quality Management System that results in better financial performance by the organization.

Employees benefits in ISO 9001 certification

ISO 9001:2015 Certification requires the organization to define organizational structures, roles, and responsibilities; to ensure competence and awareness, and to provide a suitable work environment for operations. If an organization (SME) fulfills all the requirements of the standard related to human resources, this results in higher employee satisfaction and motivation. People love to work in an organization where they are treated well, listened to and allowed to participate, and anticipate personal growth. ISO 9001 certification requires all of the above-mentioned qualities to be fulfilled, so an SME with ISO 9001 certification is likely to be a better place to work for employees as compared to other conventional small businesses without ISO.

Customer benefits in ISO 9001 certification

The ISO 9001 standard is based on the basic quality management principles of meeting customer requirements and striving to exceed customer expectations. A customer always looks for quality in a product and quality in service. It’s not only the product quality that encourages a customer to buy again and again; it is also the customer experience that persuades a customer to return. An ISO 9001-certified business increases customer confidence because the customer knows that he is dealing with an internationally certified company. As the first quality management principle states, this is the key feature that allows a small business to stand out amongst a large number of companies with no such certifications.

Employer benefits in ISO 9001 certification

One key benefit that has been discussed above is getting potential contracts. An ISO 9001 Certification  Body increases its likelihood of getting potential contracts when that ISO certification is a requirement. Also, from my experience, customer satisfaction increases for an ISO-certified organization. An ISO-certified SME can identify and resolve customer issues quickly, intelligently, and more efficiently, and it can do so even before delivering its product or services to the customer. In a small business, the optimal use of resources saves a lot. And, if an ISO Certification For Quality Management is truly implemented, then the company saves a lot by reducing wasted time, money, and effort. Running an ISO 9001 system can help a business to manage its resources effectively and identify opportunities where savings can be found and actions can be taken. The higher turnover, optimized production costs, and improved brand reputation will eventually turn into employer benefits.

How To Get ISO 9001 Certification

Some of the benefits of ISO Certification For Quality Management are given below:

1.Improved quality and service

2.Higher potential for clients and contracts

3.Structured and efficient processes management

4.Gives more satisfaction and retention to our customers

5.trusted and esteemed data and results about the business

6.Better business reputation

7.Consistent processes

8.Improves business turnover

certification iso 9001

Feb 11 '22 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 9001, certification iso 9001

All organizations which are certified to any one of the ISO standards have the right to display their ISO certification. But there are certain rules and regulations should be followed by the organization to display the ISO certification.

Through this article, we will take you in right path to display the ISO certification.

Introduction to ISO certification

What is ISO certification? It is a process of verifying an organization that it has met all the requirements for the specific ISO criteria. This globally recognized certification establishes the organization’s involvement in providing high-quality services to the customers. It helps the organizations to meet customer expectations consistently.

Who provides ISO certification? It is provided by the third-party certification body which is accredited to issue management system certificates. Not everyone can provide ISO certification. Only accredited bodies can provide ISO certificates. Also, keep in mind, ISO neither performs conformity assessments nor provide ISO certification.

Benefits of certifying to ISO

From implementing the process to satisfying the customers, ISO certification lots of benefits to the organization. Here are some of them:

Ensure customer satisfaction

Continual improvement in the quality of products, process, and system

Well-designed internal management

Satisfied employees

Improve process efficiency

Enhance stakeholders confidence

Creates new business opportunities

Positive reputation

Global recognition and so on.

How to display a certificate?

Don’t forget! Here is the simple tip you should follow while labeling your product or system which is certified to an ISO standard.

Never mention just ‘ISO certified’ or ‘ISO certification’

Specify the ISO standard you have implemented and achieved certification for it. For example: ‘ISO 9001:2015 certified’ or ‘ISO 9001:2015 certification’

Rules and regulations to display the ISO certification

ISO certification plays an important role in promoting a business’s productivity as well as profitability.

A specific product can’t hold an ISO certificate

ISO certification ensures the effective implementation of your management system. It helps the management system to develop and provide quality products and services to the customers.  For example ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system or ISO 22000:2018 certified food safety management system. ISO certifications are management system certifications.

Use the correct standard form

While displaying the certification, you can just say ISO 9000 certified company. Because ISO 9000 is not a standard, it is a guidance document.

Never change the scope of the certification

The ISO certification is only applied to the management system process specified in the scope of the certification. If you achieved the certification for all the processes carried out in your organization, you can promote them as ISO certified.

Who are allowed to use ISO logos?

Not everyone is allowed to use the ISO logo. It is a registered trademark which cannot be used by anyone outside of ISO. But some are exceptional to use this ISO logo. The authorized ISO members and ISO technical committees (TCs) can use the ISO logo in accordance with ISO policies (as per

Do’s and don’ts while portraying ISO certification

Use the completed name of the standard such as ISO 9001:2015 or ISO 14001:2015. Don’t use just ISO 9001 certified or ISO 14001 certified.

Don’t say ISO accredited organization. There is no such thing!

No one can use the logos owned by ISO, unless authorized

You can mention your certification body

Don’t mention ISO certified products.

haccp certification course

Feb 7 '22 · 0 comments · Tags: haccp certification course

The global food industry is a collective of complex and diverse businesses, both large and small, that work together to feed the population of this planet. Even if your food business is at the smaller end of that scale – think sandwich or coffee shop, or small supplier to these businesses – you may be interested to know that significant benefits can still be gained by implementing ISO 14001 Certification Environmental management system in your business. Many owners or managers can find this benefit enough to give their organization a competitive advantage over rivals. So, what are these benefits, and how can ISO 14001 Certification in the food industry be used to deliver them?

The benefits of ISO 14001 Certification how to realize them

It is widely recognized that ISO 14001 Certification is the premier industry standard used to reduce a company’s environmental impact, but many of the activities initiated by the standard bring other benefits, namely process efficiencies and cost reductions. The article How to get management buy-in for an ISO 14001 project examined how to convince your top management team that ISO 14001 could have cost as well as environmental benefits, and this applies to a business in the food industry as much as any other sector.

The next critical step will be ensuring that your employees understand the positive part that ISO 14001 Certification can play for your food business. You also need to ensure that your supply chain understands, given that you are responsible for the environmental impact that the supply chain creates. So, what is the best way to achieve that? Certain parts of the standard can facilitate initiatives that will help these “dual” benefits to be realized, but what sections should you concentrate on? How can you ensure the resulting actions from the ISO 14001 implementation project can benefit your food business?

Understanding the needs of interested parties.

 This is a sub-section of section which deals with defining the context of the organization. Previously we looked at the article Understanding the needs & expectations of interested parties in ISO 14001 Certification and how a company had to assess legislation and the needs of stakeholders, then decide what would become a “compliance obligation.” This provides a defined opportunity for a business in the food sector.

Complying with environmental legislation to avoid fines is a positive factor but consider what your customers want. Redesigning processes, reducing the use of packaging and working to reduce your delivery journeys can not only save considerable amounts of money but may allow you to market or re-brand as “environmentally friendly” as your unique selling point.

Actions to address risk and opportunity. 

 These actions make up part of section  which deals with planning, and once again there are opportunities here that can help a company prosper in the food sector. Adopting an intelligent attitude towards environmental risk can pay dividends, as we discovered in the article Risks and opportunities in ISO 14001 Certification – What are they and why they are important. Whether improving your recycling processes, rearranging your working hours to reduce utility bills or using your new-found “environmentally friendly” status to try and win new business, maintaining a focus on environmental risk and opportunity can bring defined benefits for your food business.

Dealing with environmental aspects.

 This also comes within section and though this is a critical part of any EMS (environmental management system), it also presents the chance for benefits in any food business. Controlling emissions, water waste, electricity and the general carbon footprint of the business all have the dual benefit of decreasing the environmental impact while increasing profit margins.

ISO 14001 Certification in the food industry: Use it as a competitive advantage 

To learn how ISO 14001:2015(EMS) Certification could provide benefits in a restaurant, and whatever place your business holds in the food sector, read the Case Study: Using ISO 14001:2015 to reduce environmental impact and increase profit in a restaurant.

Ensuring your business gets the benefit

Having an EMS compliant with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System can make environmental and financial sense for businesses in the food sector. The examples given above help illustrate how the initial project investment can quickly be clawed back through reduced bills and profits that entry to new markets can bring. With the food business guaranteed to sustain and expand as our needs and tastes develop, presenting a food product or service to the market that is sustainable and environmentally responsible can help improve your reputation and your business prospects accordingly.

Jan 30 '22 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 14001

Implementing the requirements of ISO 27001 helps you to secure your business and organization from information security risks and incidents. It is a great way to build a powerful Information Security Management System. Want to enhance the confidence of your customers as well as business partners? Want to take your security policy to the international standard? Or else want to manage the information security within your organization? Then satisfying the ISO 27001 requirements is the biggest solution to solve these problems and to secure your business from business continuity risks. 

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is an international standard of ISO (International Organization for Standardization), specifically developed to focus on the Information Security Management System (ISMS) of the organization. This globally agreed standard specifies the requirements to establish, monitor, maintain, and continually improve the information security system within the context of the organization. As the requirements of ISO 27001 are generic, it can be applied to all organizations, regardless of size, type, and nature. For example, commercial enterprises, government agencies, non-profit organizations, etc.  

Introduction to Information Security Management System

The objectives of ISMS are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The Information Security management system of the organization is responsible for securing confidential data and information assets. This system helps protect your organization’s information in all its forms such as digital, paper-based, intellectual property, company secrets, data on devices and in the cloud, hard copies, and as well as personal information. It sets out the policies and objectives for the organizations to keep important information safe. However, the Information Security Management System is the pillar that protects the entire organization from technology-based risks and threats. 

What are the ISO 27000 standards?

ISO 27000:2018

ISO 27000 is a family of Information Security Management System standard. It includes an overview of ISMS and its commonly used terms and definitions. This standard is intended to apply to any size or type of organization that wishes to protect the customers’ data and information. Some of the standards that come under ISO 27000 are, 

ISO 27001:2013

It is the most popular Information Security Management System standard, followed by millions of organizations across the world. ISO 27001 helps monitor and control the ISMS and as well as provides audit requirements for the continual improvement of the information security system. 

ISO 27002:2013

This provides guidelines for the organizations’ Information Security Management System practices including the selection, implementation, and management of controls. This international standard of ISO is specifically designed for organizations that want to develop commonly accepted information security controls and their own information security management guidelines. 

ISO 27005:2011 and ISO 27005:2018

The ISO 27005 gives guidelines for Information security risk management. It is designed to applicable for all types of organizations that intend to manage risks to protect secure information. 

ISO 27001 Controls

ISO 27001 helps the organization to manage and reduce information security risks and threats. It provides a list of security controls to protect the organization’s important assets from unauthorized access and to improve the information security system. These controls help to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your organization’s information. The following are the 14 security controls of ISO 27001.

Information security policies

Organization of information security

Human resource security

Asset management 

Access control


Physical and environmental security

Operation security

Communications security

System acquisition and maintenance

Supplier relationships

Security incident management

Business continuity management



Why is ISO 27001 important?

The requirements of ISO 27001 are indented to improve the Information Security management system of your organization. The implementation of ISO 27001 enhances the credibility and the confidence of your customers and stakeholders in your business process and security system. It protects the reputation of your business and as well as organization. Irrespective of the size and type, the ISO 27001 applies to all the organization that deals with customer data and information such as banks, insurance companies, BPO, KPO, investment banks, etc. 

How to certify to ISO 27001?

To achieve the ISO 27001 certification, the organization needs to satisfy the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard. The mandatory requirements are, 

Implementation of a risk assessment approach

Have to use the appropriate security controls 

Development of the PDCA cycle approach

Secure systems and network

Continual improvement of the Information Security System

Also proper documents and records of the process and procedure.

Highlights of the ISO 27001 Certification

Secure your information with the ISO 27001 standard and secure your reputation with the ISO 27001 Certification. It develops your image and lets you get recognized in the global market place. This certification establishes the effective improvement of the ISMS. It helps manage information security within the organization. It enhances the trust of business partners and thereby ensures a better relationship. 

iso 27001 anforderungen

Jan 24 '22 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 27001 anforderungen

HACCP-Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) 

The development of an increasingly developed food world requires each country to collaborate to meet their needs. The process of international trade is not always easy to do and usually the provisions applied by destination countries are non-negotiable. 

Regulation and sensitive issues concerning food are considered by a country to be able to import food and food from other countries. To overcome these problems, the export-oriented food and beverage industry must meet international quality standards related to food safety management systems.This is also a requirement that must be met by companies engaged in the food chain. 

HACCP Certification for Food Safety address food security demands and help trade food products that meet food safety criteria and consumer demands on health and environmental sustainability. 

Scope of work 

HACCP certification is evidence of the effective application of HACCP issued by an independent HACCP Certification Body and is a guarantee of food safety through a system that is designed systematically and integrated. 

As for the scope of the examination such as: 

Cocoa, Tea and Processed Products, 

Sugar, Honey and its Processed Products, 

Fats, Oils and Processed Products, 

Vegetables and their processed products, 

Drinking Water and its Products and Drinking, 

Meat and processed products, 

Poultry and Processed Results, 

Serelia, seeds, tubers, and processed products, 

Food Additives and Auxiliaries 

Spices and Processed Products and 


HACCP Certification Process: 

Defining the scope of certification; A preliminary visit was conducted to see the gap analysis and diagnosis between the standards applied by the organization against HACCP; Audit certification in 2 stages, namely: Stage 1: 

Preliminary audits, namely document and pre-audit audits to test the level of implementation of the HACCP Certification system in the organization, in preparation for conducting a certification audit; 

Stage 2: 

Certification audit, which is a comprehensive audit to assess the effectiveness of HACCP implementation based on the documentation system that has been made and the scope of HACCP application; Certification issued by UQAS in accordance with the scope of application of the HACCP system and the standards applied by the company and is valid for 3 years from the date of ratification; A supervisory audit will be conducted by IAS to monitor the level of maintenance of the HACCP system; Recertification audit, after 3 years – IAS will conduct an overall certification audit of the organization that has been certified. 

How it helps your Organization 

 We provide comprehensive support for creating and implementing a suitable HACCP Certification for Food Safety, which is an internationally accepted standards for preventing microbiological, chemical and physical contamination, along the food supply chain. A HACCP standard is designed to provide increased control and monitoring during critical stages of the food processing chain. Food safety management system should allow you to identify and control any hazards that could pose a danger to the preparation of safe food. It involves identifying and forecasting what can go wrong, planning to prevent it and making sure you are doing it. HACCP is a legal requirement but will also benefit your business. Check out these some frequently asked Questions. 

After reading that you have a question in Mind that how to get ISO Certification for that there are many ISO certification Body to fulfill that. HACCP Certification Body helps to check out the ISO procedure. 

Who can applicable for HACCP? 

⦁ Fruits & Vegetables 

⦁ Dairy Products 

⦁ Meat & Meat Products 

⦁ Farms, Fish & Fishery Products 

⦁ Nuts & Nut Products 

⦁ Bakery & Confectionary 

⦁ Restaurants & Hotels 

⦁ Fast Food Operations etc. 

 Why your Buisness Should Take HACCP Certification? 

Considering HACCP Certification for your business? We’ve thought of our Top 5 reasons why your business should be looking at HACCP Certification. In food safety management a fundamental approach to managing risk is implementing a HACCP framework. This abbreviation represents  Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. It is a system that recognizes, evaluates and controls hazards that are important for food safety. But it’s not normal for companies who don’t handle food to be requested for HACCP Certification ; any company in the supply chain could be approached by their customers or clients for HACCP Certification. 

1. Provides confidence around the production of food safety system 

Frequently a beginning stage for an association is that a customer has requested that they are certified. Why is this the case? To get confirmation an organisation needs to demonstrate it has processes in place to recognize and control any food safety risks. This capability is Audited by an independent third party prior to any Certifications being issued. This is the place the incentive in the accreditation lies. Consumers and customers can take assurance that the procedures in place meet the requirements of established best practice. 

2. Access to an expanded market 

As HACCP Services is a requirement for many potential customers organisations find there is access to a more prominent market once they have Certification. It is additionally something that can be utilized in marketing to try and increase some of that market opportunity. 

3. Improved Reputation 

One of the major risks to a company is a loss of reputation. Imagine the impact of a company that has an incident with its food handling that impacts on its customers and ultimately consumers. HACCP Services helps establish a risk management framework to prevent a major loss of reputation.The opposite side of this is that having Food Safety Management Certification implies HACCP Certification helps enhance the reputation of the organisation due to the confidence it provides consumers and customers. 

4. Improved productivity reduction of waste and re-work 

Similarly as with any good quality and risk management process, waste is recognized and taken out of the procedure. This helps organisations achieve the benefits of improved productivity. 

5. Representative awareness and involvement 

A fundamental part of the Certification procedure is making sure employees are adequately trained and are aware of their role in the food safety management system. This helps improve consistency of procedure as well as makes a more engaged workforce. 

Benefits of HACCP Certification 

⦁ Increase customer trust; 

⦁ Improve the image and competence of the company / organization; 

⦁ Increasing the opportunity for companies / organizations to enter the global market; 

⦁ Increase insight and knowledge of the product; 

⦁ Participation in food safety programs; 

⦁ Supporting the quality assurance system. 

⦁ Improved food safety management system 

⦁ Increased awareness of food risks to employees. 

⦁ Increased customers and consumer confidence 

⦁ Consistency in inspection process. 

⦁ Commitment to legal Compliance with food law 

⦁ Reduction in complaints about food safety 

⦁ Reduced risk of negative publicity.

haccp schulung

Jan 18 '22 · 0 comments · Tags: haccp schulung

Are you new to the environment of information security? Looking for an effective method to promote your organization’s information security management system?  Or want to gain the confidence of your customers and stakeholders? Establish that your organization is safe for securing the confidential information and data with the ISO 27001 certification.

In this article, we will discuss how to get ISO 27001 certification and the implementation processes required to achieve the ISO 27001 certification.

What is ISO 27001?

Not everyone has a clear idea of ISO 27001. Here is a simple description for those who are new to this security field. ISO 27001 is a popular information security management system standard, developed by ISO especially to help organizations that address customer’s data and information. This international standard provides requirements for your organization to control and manage the information security risks and threats. Also, it ensures the continual improvement of your security system.

Is ISO 27001 Certification mandatory?

Achieving ISO 27001certification is not a mandatory requirement for compliance. But for some organizations, it may be required by law or contractually. Whatever it is, the ISO 27001 certification helps you follow the better information security controls to develop ISMS and to strengthen the security system of your organization.

Whether you are a small company or large organization, the requirements of ISO 27001 are applicable to all that wants to enhance the confidence of the customers/clients in their business processes and system.  The ISO 27001 certification ensures that the security controls are in place which helps avoid any security damages to the organization.

ISO 27001 roadmap

“Guide for ISO 27001 implementation and a right path for ISO 27001 Certification”

The ISO 27001 roadmap provides a set of frameworks to implement the ISO 27001 standard in an organization.

Scope of the certification

Develop the scope of the certification based on your organization’s ISMS policies and objectives. This also should be based on your projects and operational processes.  


Organize all the documents required for certification processes including the management system process, operational system, security controls, etc. By documenting them, you will get an idea of what is missing and what are the elements further required for the implementation process.


Implement the specific requirements in the organizations’ process, services and management system. ISO 27001 provides guidelines to follow the best practices to improve the information security controls of your organization. Also, this standard helps you meet the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Simultaneously, it also helps you achieve your desired objectives and goals.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment helps you monitor, control, manage and reduce the information security risks and threats in your organization. It certainly ensures the continual improvement of the ISMS performance. Also, it helps you prepare a statement of applicability and risk treatment plan specific to your organization’s objectives.

Why do I need ISO 27001 certification?

By obtaining the ISO 27001 Certification, you can gain the following benefits.

A better positive reputation

A strong relationship with stakeholders

Reduced security risks

Enhanced confidence of the customers

New business opportunities

Increased credibility

Developed competency

Continual improvement in ISMS performance, etc.

Who is ISO 27001 consultant?

To implement the specifications of the ISO 27001, you should have a better knowledge of the ISO 27001 controls and requirements. If your organization doesn’t have anyone who is an expert in ISO 27001, then you should need to hire a consultant to help the implementation process of ISO 27001. He/she will also help you prepare a document and security policy that explains all the operational processes of your organization.

ISO certification consultant also guides you to identify the errors in the operational planning in compliance with ISO 27001 criteria.

ISO 27001 implementation process


Awareness training is a must for employees to have a fundamental knowledge of ISO 27001 and the information security management system. This training also helps employees to understand the organization’s policies and objectives. It enhances their confidence in the operational process that certainly increases the process efficiency of your company.

Gap analysis

Monitor the organization’s process in implementing the ISO 27001 requirements in all phases of the security system. Conduct a gap analysis to review the developed system and find flaws and errors. Rectify them effectively before the real certification audit. This helps to reduce the certification cost, audit duration and non-conformities.

Internal audit

Perform an internal audit to verify the security system of your organization. The auditors within your organization who completed the ISO 27001 lead auditor training/ ISO 27001 internal auditor training are eligible to plan, conduct and manage this audit. Prepare the audit report and implement the non-conformities if there are any.

Certification audit

The ISO certification body will initiate the stage 1 audit based on the scope provided by your organization. The auditor evaluates your documentation to verify whether they meet the requirements of ISO 27001. If there are any deviations in the ISO 27001 implementation, the audit report will be provided with a deviation report.

Stage 2 audit will be performed, once the organization developed the non-conformities given by the auditing team. A thorough assessment will be conducted by the auditors to ensure whether your management system complying all the requirements of ISO 27001 criteria.

Issue of ISO 27001 Certificate

Finally, the certificate will be issued based on the scope and certification audit. 

ISO 27001 Certification cost

The cost of ISO 27001 Certification depends on numerous factors. It varies from one agency to another based on its reputation and global recognition. The cost also varies based on the organization’s operational process, size of the organization, number of employees, complexity of the process, etc.

Which ISO Certification body is best? 

A certification body is an independent body accredited to provide management system certifications, product certifications and training. It should be accredited by the recognized accreditation bodies like IAF, UQAS, etc.

Make sure you have chosen the right ISO certification body to get the ISO certification. It is also important to enhance the confidence of your clients. The major factors to be considered while selecting a certification body are:



Global recognition


Auditors’ experience 

Quality of services.

iso 27001 zertifizierung

Companies that look to implement ISO 14001:2015 do so for several different reasons. Some see it as a natural progression as their company grows – perhaps having implemented ISO 9001:2015, some see it as a logical system to adopt to satisfy environmental obligations, and some react to pressure being applied by customers, stakeholders, or pressure groups. Whatever the reason, the first question normally tends to be “How long does it take?” While the standard itself provides no direct advice on timescales, it is clear that there are several key elements that dictate when an company can be ready, and it probably follows that this period will be different for organizations of varied types and sizes. So, given that, what are these factors, and what do we have to bear in mind when planning a project like ISO 14001:20015?

Implementation period, the key elements

 The management of an organization will generally want to know how long a ISO 14001:2015 project will take at the outset, and that is only natural. Considerations of the resources that will be required for an implementation project will need to be assessed, and who is best in your organization to manage the project. The project manager will therefore need to have a thorough understanding of not only the standard itself, but also the context within which the organization operates, and the effect that will have on implementation time, for example:

What industry does your organization operate in? Tasks such as defining the context of your organization and gaining stakeholder engagement will be critical elements of your project, and those will differ greatly between, for example, a major pharmaceutical manufacturer and a small coffee shop.

Do you have one or multiple sites?

Do you have knowledgeable and available internal resources to implement, or do you need to hire a consultant?

These “contextual” elements need to be considered carefully before committing to an implementation plan. For the project manager, it is sensible to involve the leadership and top management of the organization to assess this, as it also can be considered a part of the definition of the context of the organization, which is a new and critical part of ISO 14001:2015. We examined context of the company in detail in the article, determining the context of the organization in ISO 14001. In terms of the implementation period, this is also a critical factor; your ease and time of implementation will be improved significantly if you have top management buy-in, and if your project manager is knowledgeable and efficient. So, we now understand the “contextual” elements we need to pay attention to; presumably there are elements of the standard we need to ensure we execute in order to understand what the implementation period should be.

How long should it take?

 Typically, most organizations should be ready within six months if they have 20 or fewer employees, but some organizations of a larger size may take more time – up to or over a year for organizations of more than 50. As stated above, this will vary depending on the environmental impact of your organization; a consultancy and a manufacturing plant will have hugely differing impacts, for example, though both may have a similar number of employees. However, your organization should remember that despite the changes from the 14001:2004 standard to the 14001:2015 version, your implementation will not be considered complete and ready for audit until you display evidence of at least one example of:

a management review having taken place

one round of internal audits

evidence of corrective action

examples or evidence of customer feedback

evidence of risk-based discussions and resulting measures

So, while the 14001:2015 standards may appear less “cycle based” than its predecessor, it is vital to understand that most auditors will not consider your organization ready for audit unless the above elements exist in your EMS.

What can be done to speed up the process?

It goes without saying that the more expertise, resources, and education you employ within your project, the quicker your implementation can be. Also, when you set up your EMS and decide on the frequency of your audit, feedback, and risk-based functions, as well as meetings, you should remember that this will have an effect on your implementation timescale and, therefore, your readiness for audit. For example, if you plan to have your first internal audit nine months from establishment of the EMS, then this will mean you will not be ready for external audit until after that time. Many organizations also consider using external help, such as consultants, to implement the EMS; this extra resource, knowledge, and stimulation can increase the employees’ enthusiasm and speed up the process

What ISO 14001 training and certification is available if you’re an individual?

Training in the concepts of ISO 14001 is available, and there are a range of course options for individuals to choose from. Only the first of these can lead to certification for the individual to be able to audit for a certification body, but the others are very useful for those who will be using these skills within their own company:

ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Course – This is a four- to five-day training course focused on understanding the ISO 14001 QMS standard and being able to use it for auditing management systems against these requirements. The course includes a test at the end to verify knowledge and competence, and it is only with an accredited course that an individual can become approved to audit for a certification body.

ISO 14001 Internal Auditor Course – This is commonly a two- or three-day course that is based on the lead auditor course above, but does not include the test for competence, so this is most useful for someone beginning to do internal audits within a company.

ISO 14001 Implementation Course and Awareness – Several courses are offered that provide knowledge of ISO 14001 and how to implement it. These can be one- or two-day courses, and can even include online e-learning sessions as a method of teaching the material. These courses are good for those who need an overview of the ISO 14001 standard, or those who will be involved in the implementation within a company, and many are more economical than investing in the lead auditor course for those involved at this level.

There are a number of accredited training companies around the world where you can gain individual qualifications in ISO 14001.

iso 14001 lead auditor training

If you are implementing an Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) using the ISO 45001:2018 standard requirements, you are likely considering having your OHSMS certified when implementation is done. If so, you may wonder what needs to be done to successfully prepare for the certification auditor after the OHSMS is implemented. 

What is the difference between implementation and certification?

It would be helpful to quickly discuss the difference between implementation and certification. Implementation is the process you go through to create all of the rules, policies, processes and procedures needed to meet the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 Certification, and to meet the needs of your organization. These are then established by ensuring that everyone in your organization knows what they need to do.

Certification is separate from implementation. It comes as a bit of a surprise to many people to find out that there is not a requirement in ISO 45001:2018 to have a third-party certification body conduct an audit and confirm that the organization has successfully implemented the requirements of the standard. There are many good reasons to have a third-party auditor look at your system, including the benefit of having someone outside your organization identifying ways to improve. Below is what the certification auditors will expect of your OH&SMS before they perform their audit.

What is expected for certification?

If you have chosen to go through the certification process, there are a few things that will need to be completed before the auditors come to perform their final certification audit. The auditors will already have done their stage 1 documentation audit, where they have reviewed your documentation to ensure that it meets the requirements of the standard. After this, you will need also to take care that the following is ensured:

All processes implemented – As not all processes are documented, you will need to ensure that all the processes you need within the OHSMS are in place. It is expected that you have established each process (set the process rules), implemented each process (ensured the rules are known and are monitored) and are maintaining each process (making sure that when rules change people know, and new people are informed of the rules). It is not acceptable to have incomplete processes.

OHSMS settled – In order to audit you will need to have adequate records to demonstrate how your processes work. For this reason, certification auditors will want you to have used your OHSMS for a period of time to collect the records necessary to demonstrate this. This timeframe is different for each ISO 45001 certification body, but often ranges from a minimum of 4 months to 8 months with some as long as 12 months.

All processes audited – One of the key processes to evaluate your OHSMS performance is the internal audit. The certification auditors will expect that you have done this internal audit review for all of your processes before they come and do their audits.

Management review completed – Another important OHSMS evaluation is the management review. It is expected that you will have performed at least one management review of the OHSMS to verify effectiveness and efficiency and to assess resource allocation.

Corrective actions taken – It is very likely that you will have found nonconformities in the processes during this time through internal audits, management reviews and process monitoring. When these nonconformities are found, it is expected that you will have taken corrective actions to remove the nonconformity and prevent it from happening again.

Improvements demonstrated – What are you doing to make your OHSMS better? Corrective actions are one method of improvement, but you should also be able to demonstrate progress on your OH&S objectives and other ways of addressing opportunities for improvement in your OH&S processes.

Preparation is the key to certification success

As with many things in life, if you are not properly prepared you will have problems. The activities you need to do before certification are important because they ensure your OH&SMS is working before you bring in an outside party to verify your implementation. While these tasks take some time, they will help you to catch some problems that could prevent you from passing the certification audit and delay final certification. You don’t want the certification auditors to be occupied by finding issues you should have found yourself when they could be pointing out real problems you may not have noticed.

Since you are paying to have the certification audit, make sure it provides the best information possible to help improve the OHSMS.

Mandatory steps to finish implementation and get your company certified

Documenting and implementing the OH&SMS is not enough for the certification. You also need to be sure that it is both effective and compliant with the standard. The following steps are meant to ensure this and prepare your organization for the certification audit:

1.Internal audit – The purpose of the internal audit is to determine the level of compliance of your OH&SMS with requirements of the standard. During the audit, the internal auditors will review the documents, records and processes to identify weaknesses and provide information on nonconformities.

2.Management review – This is the ultimate review of the effectiveness of your OH&SMS, the top management needs to review the information on OH&SMS performance, results of the internal audits, achievement of the objectives and changes in context of the organization. All this information will enable the top management to make decisions on how to improve the existing OH&SMS.

3.Corrective actions – Both the internal audit and management review are providing you with the information on what needs to be changed, corrected and improved. These corrective actions are the best tool for dealing with nonconformities. Corrective actions are taken to achieve full compliance with the standard.

The company certification process is divided into two stages:

Stage One (documentation review). This is the initial phase of the audit; the certification auditors will review your OH&SMS documents to get familiar with your organization and its processes prior to the main audit and to ensure your documents are compliant with requirements of ISO 45001.

Stage Two (main audit). The main audit is the most important part of the certification audit. During this phase, the certification auditors will make interviews with the top management and employees and observe your processes. Their goal is to determine the compliance of your OH&SMS not only to requirements of the standard, but also to the content to your documents examined during the first stage.

Visit : ISO 45001 Certification

Dec 21 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 45001 certification, iso 45001


Want to certify to ISO 9001? Looking for an immersive way to establish the quality of the products and services? Are you thinking to enter the global market place? Or want to enhance the Quality Management System of your organization? Whatever it is, implementing the requirements of ISO 9001 helps your organization find effective improvements in the Quality Management System and as well as its services. Are you a beginner to ISO 9001 or looking to change the quality management using the latest version ISO 9001:2015? Then this topic sure helps you to understand everything from what is the ISO 9001 standard, how it benefits your organization to what you have to implement in each phase to satisfy the ISO 9001 requirements and to achieve the ISO 9001 Certification.  


What is ISO 9001?

Establishing, monitoring, implementing, maintaining, and improving the Quality Management System is a basic requirement for every organization to meet customer satisfaction. ISO 9001 is a globally recognized Quality Management System standard that specifies requirements to ensure continual improvement in the quality of the products and services. The main objective of the ISO 9001 is to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system. It is the most popular and common standard of ISO, followed by millions of organizations all over the world. The fulfillment of the ISO 9001 not just ensures the consistency in the products and services but also helps you achieve many business profits. The standard ISO 9001 is developed based on the Seven Quality Management principles such as customer focus, leadership, engagement of people, process approach, improvement, evidence-based decision making, and relationship management. These principles help improves the quality performance of the organization. 


About Quality Management System

A Quality Management System (QMS) is the heart of the organization that ensures the customers get consistent, good quality products and services. It is responsible for maintaining quality performance in all phases of the organization from the manufacturing process to the delivery of quality products and services. It plays a major role in achieving the organizations’ objectives and goals. Depending on the nature of the business, each organization has a different Quality Management System. 


What are the requirements to attain the ISO 9001 Certification?

Certifying to ISO 9001 is not an easy task. The organization should implement the requirements of ISO 9001 and submit the documents/records that report the organization’s internal processes, procedures, and standards. The mandatory requirements are, 

  • Consistency in the product quality and services
  • Better internal management system
  • Employees safety
  • Proper documents and reports

The documents you need to submit for achieving the ISO 9001 Certification are, 

  • Records of products quality
  • Records of design and development
  • Records of design and development changes
  • Records of products characteristics
  • Records of customer services
  • Records and results of the frequent internal audit programs, etc.


To find more detailed information about the requirements to obtain ISO 9001 Certification, kindly contact us, EAS.  


Why ISO 9001 is important?

Implementing the requirements of ISO 9001 is important for organizations to have a clear idea about the organizational process and system. It enhances customers’ confidence in the quality of your products and services. The ISO 9001 Certification is a representation of the organizations that provide high-quality products and services. It establishes consistency in delivering high-quality services that bring new business opportunities. As it is a globally accepted certification, you can easily gain global recognition and more profit. 


Is my organization eligible to certify to ISO 9001?

The requirements of the ISO 9001 are generic and are intended to apply to any organization. Regardless of the size, type, or product and service an organization provides, the ISO 9001 standard can apply to any organization that looking to implement its management system to international standards. So, the answer is yes. You can develop the requirements of ISO 9001 in your organization even if you’re a startup company that is looking to promote the business and to increase the number of customers. Never miss a chance! Grab the attention of the customers and take your business to the international market with the internationally recognized ISO 9001:2015 Certification. 

Visit : iso 9001 certification

Dec 1 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: iso 9001 certification, iso 9001

Don’t think more! Achieving ISO Certification is one of the greatest methods to take your business to the international market. The ISO Certification is a globally recognized and preferred certification by most of the organizations across the world. Also, this certification is the only way to impress all types of customers. Regardless of the size, any organization can implement any ISO standard specific to its management system.

What is ISO Certification and why is it important?
To say it in simple words, the ISO Certification is a key to open new business opportunities. It is not easy to implement the requirements of the ISO standards. It requires lots of effort and guidance. But once you achieved any of the ISO certifications, it will be effortless to get recognized in the global marketing industry. It is a time and cost-saving procedure to promote your business. It reduces the wastes in the operational process. Also, becoming certified to ISO certification helps to have better internal management that will sure inspire the employees of your organization to work more effectively.

The ISO certification is a declaration of the organization that follows best practices in the manufacturing process and has a well-designed management system. The biggest advantage of the ISO certification is, it meets customers’ requirements and increases the productivity and profit of your business.

ISO Certification and its benefits
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the globally recognized, non-governmental, and independent organization for developing ISO standards. It has developed more than 20,000 international standards to help businesses in numerous sectors. Each ISO certification represents the development of a certain ISO standard which is implemented to enhance the specific management system performance of every industry. Here, we are going to know about the benefits and needs of some of the ISO Certification that EAS (Empowering Assurance System) offers.

• ISO 9001:2015 Certification
It is a Quality Management System certification that ensures the quality of the products, services, and management system processes. It assures the effective performance and process efficiency in all sectors of the organization. This globally recognized standard is suitable for both large and small organizations. It ensures employees’ safety and customers’ satisfaction.

• ISO 14001:2015 Certification
ISO 14001 Standard is specifically developed to concentrate only on the Environmental Management System performance of the organization. This standard helps to create a better working environment for the employees and others by providing specific requirements to plan, design, implement and continually improve the Environmental Management System. The ISO 14001 Certification satisfies the customers’ expectations and enhances the reputation of the organization.

• ISO 22000:2018 Certification
The ISO 22000 Certification is suitable for all the industries in the food supply chain. It satisfies customers and ensures high-quality food products and services. It is the globally recognized Food Safety Management System certification that establishes food quality and reduces food safety hazards and risks.

• ISO 20000:2018 Certification
ISO 20000 standard is specifically developed to improve the performance of the organizations’ IT Service Management System. It provides effective guidelines for the manufacturers/suppliers to deliver quality services to the customers and stakeholders. The ISO 20000 Certification ensures betterment in various phases including design, transition, delivery, and improvement of services.

• ISO 27001:2013 Certification
The ISO 27001 Certification establishes the effective implementation of the Information Security Management System. It provides specific guidelines to protect confidential data and information assets. As it is a worldwide recognized certification, it promotes the reputation of your organization and enhances the customers’ confidence to trust in your business. There is no need to worry about the size of your organization. Regardless of size, the ISO 27001 Certification can be applied to any organization that addresses the customers’ data and information such as banks, etc.

• ISO 50001:2018 Certification
Create awareness among the employees to use the energy effectively by implementing the ISO 50001 standard. It reduces energy consumption and ensures the effective use of natural resources. The ISO 50001 Certification enhances the performance of the Energy Management System. It also helps you meet the legal requirements and satisfies the energy policies and objectives.

• ISO 45001:2018 Certification
This Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification ensures the employees’ safety and helps to create a better workplace for the employees and others. It prevents/reduces the accidents or injuries of the people and as well as loss or damages to the equipment. Whatever the size, type, or nature, the ISO 45001 Certification is suitable for all the organizations.

• Integrated Management System (IMS) Certification
The uniqueness of this certification is, it helps the organization to integrate more than two or three ISO certification at a time. The IMS audit saves time and as well as cost when compared with the individual management system audit. The commonly integrated ISO standards are, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001, etc.

Visit : ce certification UK

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