flackflores's blog

Dentists use dental implants to replace one tooth, several teeth, or all of the teeth present in your mouth. In dentistry, the tooth replacement goal is to restore its function and esthetics. Implants are supported only by bone and do not affect natural teeth. Many variables go into deciding which alternative to choose.


In general, there are three common options when it comes to tooth replacement:

  • A removable dental device (full or partial denture),
  • A cemented dental bridge
  • Dental implant

Differentiate between same-day dental implants and traditional Implants?

Same-day dental implants and traditional implants both are effective in their way. Traditional implants take a much longer time and several dental visits. On the other hand, thesame day dental near me is much quicker, and it mostly takes only one dental visit. You'll have an initial consultation with a dentist implant near me to determine if you're a good fit for the procedure. After that, you'll get a final checkup. 

On the other hand, the implant operation will only take one visit to your dentist. It removes the necessity for bone regeneration, wound healing, and many months of waiting. Fast and efficient is a winning combination. With dental implants, you must-


  • Remove the tooth and wait for 2-4 months for the socket to heal. 
  • Place an implant and 3 to 6 for bone regeneration.
  • Then place a dental crown into the implant.
  • The timeline is five to ten months.
How much does a dental implant cost?

According todental implants Houston, Dental insurance may not cover dental implant installation. Some dental insurance companies may cover the cost of the implant crown. Unfortunately, even though dental implants have become the standard of care for replacing lost teeth, dental insurance often treats them as an elective operation. 

Dental implants have become a famous tooth or teeth replacement option because they are conservative and predictable, with success rates approaching 98 percent.Tooth implant cost also depends on who is performing the procedure. The cost includes surgery for the placement of the implant crown.

What happens during the recovery process after dental implant surgery?

Dentists may place a temporary denture during the healing phase to replace missing teeth for esthetic purposes. The recovery time highly depends on the bone present. Healing time is generally anywhere between two to six months. The implant merges with the bone throughout this time. As the dental implant heals, it's critical or crucial to avoid applying any force or stress on it. They schedule follow-up appointments to ensure that the surgery site is free of infection and healing progresses. 


We hope this article helps you to understand more about dental implants. This article discusses the need for dental implants, the difference between the same-day dental implants and traditional implants, and more. For further information regarding dental implants, contact edgedentalhouston.com.

Article Source : https://www.transitsblog.com/why-do-we-need-dental-implants/

Jun 6 '22 · 0 comments

Dental accidents can happen to anyone, anytime and anywhere. There are endless ways one can chip or crack its tooth. Luckily, there are spoke methods to repair it. One of which is dental bonding or teeth bonding. Teeth bonding is a treatment in which they place a tooth-colored resin material on the tooth. And are solidified with specific light, causing the material to "bond" to the tooth and restore or improve a person's smile. 


Tooth bonding near meis a cost-effective and easy solution for minor dental flaws and other dental issues that can develop from broken or chipped teeth. Suppose you have a chipped, cracked, discolored, decayed, or infected tooth. In that case, dental bonding near memight be the best option to regain your self-confidence and show off your winning smile. 

What advantages does dental bonding provide? 

Teeth bonding is one of the simplest and most affordable dental procedures. Unlike veneers and crowns, which are custom tooth coverings created in the lab, bonding usually takes one office visit to complete unless it involves multiple teeth. 

Another advantage of teeth bonding near meis removing the least amount of enamel. Also, there is no requirement for anesthesia unless dentists do dental bonding to fill the cavities.


How do they perform dental bonding? 

Fortunately, dental bonding or teeth bonding is an outpatient procedure that usually only requires one dental appointment. Dental bonding needs a little advance preparation. Anesthesia is generally unnecessary unless the dentist uses dental bonding to fill a rotten tooth. They need to drill the tooth to adjust its shape, or the chip is near the nerve. Your dental specialist will select a composite resin color that closely matches the color of your tooth using a shade guide.

The dentist will roughen the tooth's surface before applying a conditioning solution. These techniques help in the attachment of the bonding substance to the tooth. They apply tooth-colored, putty-like resin to the appropriate shape, molded, and smoothed. They use an intense light or laser to harden the material. Your dentist will cut and shape the material after it sets or hardens, then polishes it to match the gloss of the rest of the tooth surface. 

Is dental bonding cost-effective and affordable?

Teeth bonding cost depends on how many teeth need dental bonding, where you are getting the treatment, the experience of the dentist, and many other factors. In most cases, dental bonding does not require anesthesia, orthodontist, or multiple visits, which usually increases the cost of treatment. Dental bonding can take around 30-60 minutes per tooth and generally requires only a single visit. 

The dental bonding costis much less than other dental procedures. It is one of the most cost-effective dental procedures. Dental insurance may cover some amount of dental bonding treatment cost. Check with your dental insurance company to determine if the price of dental bonding will cover partially or entirely. 


From the above-given information, we can conclude that it provides valuable information regarding dental bonding. In the above article, we discuss the advantages and process of dental bonding. To know more about dental bonding, please contact edgedentalhouston.com.

Article Source : https://www.healthandhealthytips.com/what-do-you-know-about-dental-bonding/

May 29 '22 · 0 comments

Mouthguards are dental devices that cover and protect your teeth. Mouthguards are custom-made guards that protect your teeth, gums, tongue, and cheeks from trauma caused by sports injuries or teeth grinding. You can also wear a mouthguard for sleepingif you have a problem with teeth grinding. Children and adults can both wear mouthguards. Your dental health care provider may suggest a mouthguard if you and your child-


  • If your child plays contact sports like hockey, basketball, soccer, basketball, boxing, etc. Which increases the risk of getting hit on the face

  • Grinds teeth (bruxism)

  • Takes part in non-contact activities with a high fall risk like gymnastics, ice skating, or biking 

How do mouthguards help with bruxism?

You can quickly treat most bruxism cases with the help of a mouthguard. Nightguards for teeth are also known as bruxism mouthguards or bite splints. They work by creating a barrier between the teeth when you clench your jaw. A bruxism mouthguardfor teeth helps to reduce the tension and give protection to the jaw and muscles. 

It also protects the enamel of your teeth. Teeth night guards are available over-the-counter without a prescription, via a dentist, or for a reasonable price from a specialist online retailer. There are various ways you can fit a mouth guard for teeth grinding. And your dentist will determine the one that is ideal for you by your specific requirements. 


What are the different types of night guards available? 

The different types of mouthguards available are

Soft Night Guard

The most common mouthguard for teeth helps inbruxism treatmentand occasional or mild cases. They are not for severe teeth grinders. 


  • The most comfortable night guard of all
  • Usually cost lower


  • Most adaptable/easy to get habitual.

  •  Usually less expensive

  • Unintentionally, some people clench or chew the soft substance.

Hard Night Guards

A hard nightguard for teeth consists of acrylic and is highly rigid but durable. You can use them for very severe grinding cases and TMJ. Dentists who doTMJ treatment near me recommend a hard night guard to treat TMJ symptoms. 


  • Most long-lasting 

  • Prevents tooth shifting


  • Usually provides the longest warranty.

  • Nightguards that are thicker than normal

  • Uncomfortable in comparison to others

Can you personalize your fit for the mouthguard?

Depending on the brand you choose, you can customize the fit of your night guard. Here are some different nightguard fits for bruxism. 

One Size Fits All

You can purchase an over-the-counter mouthguard that is not custom-fit. It may work for occasional teeth grinder and are probably the lowest cost option. 

Boil and Bite

With boil and Bite night guard, you can boil the water and bite into it to leave your impression. Usually, it is pretty simple to do and seems to be the most common type out there. 

Order Online 

Online, you can order night guards. You transmit your impression to the firm that you ordered from, and they send you a mouthpiece that fits perfectly.


Your dentist can provide you with mouth guards. Because they create them in the lab from your imprint, they give the most exact fit.


We hope the above-given information helps you understand more about mouthguards for teeth. The above article discusses the various types of mouthguards and why we need them. For further information concerning mouthguards, please contact edgedentalhouston.com.

Article Source : https://www.worldofarticles.com/what-are-mouthguards-why-do-we-need-them/

May 25 '22 · 0 comments

Tooth extraction is a surgical procedure where your dentist will remove a tooth from its socket inside the bone. Tooth extraction could be a terrifying procedure for many individuals. However, you'll be relieved to learn that having a tooth pulled is far easier and more convenient. But have you thought about why you would require a tooth extraction in the first place? Read on to discover all Five common causes dentists may suggest a tooth extraction near me. The partial removal of one or even more teeth from the mouth is referred to as tooth extraction.


1.  Tooth Decay

Tooth decay develops due to tartar and plaque accumulation. The enamel of the teeth is damaged by these particles, causing the enamel to become thin and fragile. If the situation worsens, a tooth infection may cause excruciating pain, inflammation, and redness in the mouth. To avoid further health complications, perhaps it is essential to remove teeth altogether and restore them with a dental bridge when it reaches this stage.

2.  Gum Disease

Untreated, gum disease can be just as damaging to the teeth as dental rot. Gum infection progresses when the gum tissue, ligaments, and bones that support the teeth deteriorate. Teeth become unstable as the structural supports of the teeth decay. Gum disease will potentially cause the tooth to break out, or it may need to be extracted with gum disease and tooth restoration treatment.


3.  Overcrowded Teeth

Extraction of a tooth may be necessary as part of orthodontic treatment for an individual. We have found from studies that If the patient's teeth are incredibly crowded, your orthodontist may suggest permanent removal of teeth. Tooth extraction helps liberate more room for the adjacent teeth to be aligned. They are all aligned with each other. Due to overcrowding, children and young people are the most common candidates forteeth extraction near me.

4.  Impacted Teeth

The impacted tooth has not fully emerged or has only partially emerged beyond the gum line. Tooth Overcrowding comes in twisted or distorted at weird angles, and a tooth that arrives dislocated all are causes of dental deformation andtooth infection symptoms. The wisdom teeth become commonly impacted due to a small jaw. Wisdom teeth extraction and tooth extraction can be performed on impacted teeth.

5.  Tooth Breakage

If a tooth cracks at or near the gum line, there may not be enough visible tooth structure to attach a tooth replacement, such as a dental crown. Teeth need to be removed in these situations. Visit cosmetic dentists near me if you are suffering from cracked or crooked teeth as it may cause serious health complications further.

What are the types of tooth extraction?

There are three usual types of tooth extractions. We have mentioned all three common extraction types below for further knowledge, such as:


  • Simple extractions,
  • Impacted tooth extractions,
  • Removal of tooth roots.

We hope you liked this article, and now you don't have to be concerned if your tooth needs extraction. The extraction will offer you improved oral long-term health. If you are someone searching forteeth cleaning near me, you should visit our website as we have experts in dental extractions and cleaning.


Article Source : https://www.bloggingpalace.com/five-reasons-why-a-tooth-extraction-is-necessary/

May 25 '22 · 0 comments

The root canal is a dental procedure to save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of extracting it. The procedure is considered necessary when the middle or center part of the tooth known as the pulp, housing the nerves, blood vessels, and living connective tissues becomes infected, decayed, or inflamed. The root canals near me are performed by a professional canal specialist or by an endodontist.


The most common reason for tooth damage and infections are cavities due to plaque build-up, gum diseases, broken or cracked teeth due to any injury, accident, or trauma, and repeated dental treatment to a particular tooth. These issues can cause infection, pulp inflammation,  and other damage.


Who is not a good candidate for root canal treatment?


The dentist who does root canal near me explains that you are not eligible for a root canal procedure if you are-


  • If the tooth is too badly or severely  damaged
  • Suffering from hypertension/high blood pressure
  • If you are a patient with Diabetes
  • If you take blood thinners
  • If you are suffering from autoimmune diseases
  • Suffering from osteoporosis
  • Suffering from high infections and fever


What factors can affect the result of root canal treatment?


The root canal treatment is generally done to treat the infected tooth. The treatment is considered successful when the tooth works properly and looks natural and the infections disappear. Although the root canal treatment is effective and can be performed in most cases, sometimes it can be a little difficult to predict how successful the treatment will be. Numerous factors can influence the outcome of root canal treatment or root canal recovery.


  • The extent of infections and microbes. A root canal procedure can treat the tooth infection that has spread to the jawbone, but it can be difficult to predict the outcome.


  • General health. The general health of the patient and the root canal treatment will decide how well the decay or infection can be cured.


  • Tooth restoration. The tooth or teeth are restored after the root canal treatment can ensure their longevity.  Small holes and cavities can be fixed by using cavity filling, amalgam fillings, or plastic.



What is the cost of treatment for root canals?


The root canal cost can differ depending on your geographical location like city or locality, where you are getting the treatment, the kind of hospital or clinic you are visiting, and the experience of the treatment provider like a dentist or orthodontist, type or number of teeth requiring RCT. and the type of crown material being used. The cost of the cap or crown is additional and can differ based on the type of the crown. You can consult with your treatment provider about the exact treatment cost plan suiting your unique needs.




Hereby, we can conclude that the above-given information tells us a lot about root canal treatment. It gives us helpful information regarding the factors that can affect root canal treatment, the cost of root canal treatment, ideal candidates for root canal treatment, and more. For further information regarding root canal treatment please contact edgedentalhouston.com


Article Source : https://www.articleslurp.com/what-do-we-understand-by-root-canal-treatment/

May 17 '22 · 0 comments

The dentist who does dental implants near me says that dental implants are the replacement of artificial tooth roots made from metal like titanium. They provide a strong foundation for removable or permanent teeth that are made to match your natural teeth. Some patients have attachments on their implants instead of individual crowns that support a removable denture. An emergency dentist near me explains that dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces tooth roots with metal. The screw-like posts replace the missing or damaged teeth with an artificial crown that appears and functions like natural teeth.


How to choose between dentures and implants?


In case you have to replace or remove one or more missing teeth you have these two options available for you that is Dentures And Implants. Choosing the correct option depends on many factors such as preference, price, and the health of your remaining teeth and jawbone.  Both dentures and implants have their own advantages and disadvantages. So it is better to discuss with your dentist both the options in detail before deciding which one would be best suitable for you. Dental implants Houston suggests exploring other alternatives to dental implants and dentures, such as dental bridges.


What are the possible risks and complications associated with dental implants?


Just like other surgical procedures dental implant surgery also has its risk and complications to the patient or to the success of a dental implant. Careful planning is important to ensure the patient is healthy enough to undergo oral surgery. Fortunately, the success rate of dental implant surgery is quite high but still, the risk of infections or treatment failure remains. Some of the risks are mentioned below


  • Allergies
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Infections at the implant site
  • Failure of dental implant
  • Overloading of dental implant
  • Damage to the surrounding area or nerve
  • Poor positioning of dental implants
  • Sinus problems
  • Injury or damage to surrounding structures
  • Poor bone quantity or quality



How expensive dental implant procedure?


The tooth implant cost of a single dental implant can differ depending on the region and who is on who is doing the procedure. A general cost estimated for a single implant is somewhere around $3,000 to $4,500 approximately. This cost includes all the components, surgery for placement of an implant, and the artificial crown. dentist implant near me provides some plans and discount offers for the patients who pay in cash. Dental insurance hardly covers dental implant procedures and even if they do it will be to a limited extent. Dental implants have become the favored option because they offer a conservative approach and provide faster and more effective results with a higher success rate.




From the above-given matter, we can say that it provides us with some useful and important information regarding dental implants, what are dental implants, how to choose between implants and dentures, possible risks associated with dental implants, the cost of dental implants, and more for further information please check out edgedentalhouston.com


Article Source : https://www.articleentry.com/what-exactly-are-dental-implants/

May 10 '22 · 0 comments

You have to visit the office of the Invisalign dentist near me to check for fit and to make any necessary adjustments. You have to wear your Invisalign aligners for almost the whole day. Except for the times when you brush, floss, or eat. Because the Invisalign aligners are removable you easily take them off anytime you need to. You will have to wear each set of aligners for a few weeks before moving on to the new set of aligners.


At first, your aligners will fit tightly because they are customized or designed to gently and precisely move your teeth. After some days your teeth will gradually move to their new correct position. The aligners may start to get loose after some time has passed. Every six weeks, you have to make an appointment with the dentist who does Invisalign near me to check the aligners and the progress of the treatment.


Can you List the differences between six-month smiles and Invisalign?


Both the Invisalign and the Six Month Smiles are the treatment options to correct the misalignment of teeth to give you perfectly straight teeth. They share many similarities, they both offer some flexibility to their wearers, and they are comfortable, discrete, and effective. However, they also have several dissimilarities and differences between them that set these two treatment processes apart, for instance, the six-month smile used the brackets and wires to straighten the front teeth in just six months.


Can you get teeth whitening treatment while wearing Invisalign aligners?


Yes, it's completely fine to undergo teeth whitening treatment while wearing clear aligners Invisalign. It takes quite an effort and time to get a bright and white smile, wearing Invisalign clear aligners means taking extra care or taking an extra step to make sure they remain transparent and stain-free, otherwise, they may give a yellow appearance and cast to the teeth. According to the dental experts in teeth whitening in Houston, it is possible to whiten teeth while wearing Invisalign aligners, but most orthodontists recommend beginning the teeth whitening process six months after the realignment is complete.


Because the teeth are more sensitive during the realignment period, they might create some complications you should choose to undergo whitening treatment. Contact zoom teeth whitening near me to get the best teeth whitening treatment experience.


Are tooth whitening trays different from Invisalign aligners?


Although they may seem pretty similar in appearance, the tooth whitening trays are different from Invisalign clear aligners. The Invisalign aligners are customized according to the size and shape of your teeth and gums making them an exact fit for your teeth. Applying the whitening or bleaching gels inside of the aligners may be dangerous, as the compound will be pushed out by the aligners which can irritate your gums.




In the end, we can conclude that the above-given information tells us a lot about Invisalign aligners. How Invisalign aligners work, the difference between a six-month smile and Invisalign, the difference between tooth whitening trays and Invisalign, and more. For more information contact edgedentalhouston.com


Article Source : https://www.articleapprove.com/how-do-invisalign-clear-braces-actually-work/

May 3 '22 · 0 comments

Teeth whitening is the dental process of removing plaque, tartar, and stains from the surface of your teeth. It restores the natural color of the teeth. Teeth whitening or bleaching is a one-time process. It can be done in the dentist's clinic or office in about an hour. The process involves tooth bleaches and teeth whitening gel which breaks the stains and removes them from the surface of the tooth which makes your teeth whiter and brighter. Visit any Teeth Whitening Dentistnear you to get teeth whitening done.


Does teeth whitening work on all kinds of teeth?

No, the teeth whitening procedure may not work on all teeth which is why it’s essential to discuss with your dentist before deciding to bleach or whiten your teeth, as whitening agents may not work on all kinds of discolorations. For example, probably yellow teeth may bleach or whiten well, it may not work well on brown teeth and grey teeth may not get bleached at all. 

Also, the Whitening procedure and Teeth Whitening Kitswill not work on crowns, caps, veneers, and fillings. It also won’t be effective if the discoloration of the tooth is caused by tooth injury or medications. Any experienced general dentist will be good enough to do the whiting procedure. There’s no need to visit any specialist or emergency dentist near mefor the whitening treatment.


Are there any side effects or risks in Teeth whitening?

It is possible to develop sensitivity or gum irritation after the teeth whitening process, so the dentists take every precaution possible to avoid or minimize the risk of developing it. However, in some cases, side effects can occur, especially when you are using an unprescribed teeth whitening kit. The side effects of teeth bleaching or whitening are-

  • Soft tissue or gum irritation. It happens if the teeth whitening or bleaching solution is exposed to the soft gum tissue. During the whitening treatment.

  • Sensitive teeth. Teeth sensitivity is quite common after the whitening process. It happens due to the removal of a layer of enamel from your teeth' surface. That is why it is important to use thebest teeth whitening kit to minimize the risk of sensitivity.

  • Undesirable results. The whitening process does not work on crowns, caps, fillings, or veneers. Depending on the initial shade of your teeth if you have severely stained teeth or grey teeth then whitening treatment will not work well on them. for the best teeth whiteningexperience visit the nearby dentist.

Can you do teeth whitening at home?

There are many counter whitening kits available in the market which are effective and easy to use. If you don't want to pay the dentist for the whitening job then you can take the benefit of these teeth whitening kits at home. There are various methods to whiten your teeth such as whitening strips, whitening trays, and whitening rinses. But it is better to consult the dentist before using any kind of kit. Because some whitening gels and bleaches can be really harsh on your tooth which could cause damage, irritation, and tooth sensitivity.


In the above matter, we talked about teeth whitening procedures, how teeth whitening works, the side effects of teeth whitening, and more. For further information check out edgedentalhoustan.com

Article Source : https://www.bloggingbeep.com/why-do-people-opt-for-teeth-whitening/

Apr 28 '22 · 0 comments

To remove the nerve in the root of the tooth or the infected pulp from the mouth the endodontist performs the root canal procedure. The dentists then shape and clean the inside of the root canal and then after filling up the canal they seal the space. After then the endodontists place the artificial crown on the tooth to restore and protect it to its original function. It is a straightforward process to save your teeth and relieve you from pain.


How do endodontists perform a root canal?

If your tooth is severely damaged or decayed but can be saved then the dentists suggest root canal treatment. The procedure of theroot canalis relatively simple, infected pulp needs to be cleaned out and the space or canal inside the tooth needs to be filled. 

Dentists begin by numbing the area by injecting the numbing agent. Into the tooth roots and gums. 

Next, to access the root canals and pulp chamber the endodontist drills through the tooth. To clean out the pulp chamber and root canal the dentist uses various instruments. An antiseptic and antibacterial solution is used to disinfect and clean the canals. The endodontist at thedentist office near mefillsup the canal and seals it to keep bacteria out. The doctor needs to place a crown if the tooth is severely damaged

How long is the root canal procedure and recovery?

If you want to know, how long does a root canal take? Then Generally, the root canal treatment takes around 30 to 60 minutes. If the case is more complex or the tooth is severely damaged then it might take 90 minutes or more. The recovery period of root canal treatment lasts less than a week. Slight discomfort and pain may last longer than a week but they can be managed with the help of medication. Consult with your dentist if the pain or swelling doesn’t go away even after taking medicines.

Until the procedure of root canal is finished, with a crown or a permanent filling placed, try to avoid eating and chewing with that tooth or teeth. This will help in keeping the area cleaned and also prevent the fragile tooth or teeth from breaking before they can be restored fully. 


Is root canal procedure costly?

Theroot canal cost depends on how severe your case is and on the affected tooth. Not including the dental restoration after the procedure for thebroken toothand just the root canal procedure itself performed by the endodontist or a general dentist may cost around between $500 to $1,000. Some dental insurance policies may cover the cost to some extent which could be a big help. The fee charged by a professional endodontist maybe fifty percent higher than a general dentist.


The above text provides us with useful and helpful information regarding root canal treatment, root canal procedure, cost of root canal procedure, and much more. For further information please contact edgedentalhoustan.com

Article Source : https://www.wellbeingcares.com/what-do-you-understand-by-the-root-canal-procedure/

Apr 10 '22 · 0 comments

If you found yourself in the middle of the night or day clenching your jaw which makes your teeth sensitive and sore jaw then you should know you are suffering from bruxism disease. Prolonged headaches with jaw clenching are the common signs of bruxism that require visits to affordable dental care.  In this article, we have noted down productive information related to bruxism that a person suffering it should know including symptoms and their treatment. Read through this entire article to not miss out on anything about bruxism. 


What is bruxism?

Bruxism is a dental condition that is also known as teeth grinding in which a person grinds or clenches teeth uncontrollably. This dental condition is most common in more than 20% of children who grind their teeth while sleeping. 

What causes bruxism?

We have mentioned some core causes of (bruxism) teeth grinding below that a person should know before getting treatment. 

  • It can be developed due to habits such as drinking alcohol, consuming cigarettes and drugs. 
  • It can also be developed due to consumption of a lot of caffeine 
  • If you have a sleeping disorder it can increase the chance of bruxism. 
  • Having stress and anxiety can cause teeth grinding  
What are the potential symptoms of bruxism?

We have mentioned below some potential symptoms of bruxism that will make a person realize or identify if he/she is a candidate of bruxism or not:


  • Improper sleep.
  • Prolonged headaches or facial pain
  • Earaches.
  • Tooth loss
  • Soreness in jaw muscles.
  • Teeth fractures.
  • TMJ, disorder 
  • Pain with chewing.
  • Jaw blockage.

How is bruxism treated?

We have found from studies that no medicine can prevent bruxism but many dentists have to suggest wearing a mouth guardfor theBruxism Treatment. 

A mouth guard for teeth grinding is a personalized orthodontic device that is placed in your mouth for protecting the teeth and jaw from further damage due to bruxism. 

Many dentists may also suggest you some of these including mouth guard for bruxism treatment:

  • Exercising regularly 
  • Stress-free before bed 
  • Jaw massage 
  • Become conscious during sleep 
  • Stop chewing food.
What are the preventions of bruxism?

We have mentioned some preventions below that a person should follow for reducing the chance of developing bruxism:

  • Do make sure of avoiding drugs and alcohol 
  • Visit a dentist for regular checkups which can reduce the chances of gum disease and long term tooth damage that can cause tooth grinding 
  • Do not avoid dental conditions such as misaligned teeth and gaps between teeth or missing teeth. 
Why is it harmful to avoid teeth grinding?

Avoiding the treatment of teeth grinding can cause various serious problems such as:

  • Changes in the facial profile.
  • Fractured 
  • Damaging your TMJs and jaw
  • Loss of teeth.
  • Wearing down teeth.
  • Headaches.
  • Jaw pain.
  • Wear and tear on the teeth.


We hope you liked this article and now you know what are the causes, symptoms, treatment, and preventions of bruxism disease. If you are someone interested in knowing more about it or if you are someone looking for a DDS near me, then do make sure of visiting our website as we have the best dentist that offers affordable treatment. 

Article Source :- https://www.bloggingpalace.com/bruxism-treatment-mouth-guard-for-teeth-grinding/

Apr 9 '22 · 0 comments
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