PK'ing (which I'm fairly certain you wouldn't like) It's true that iron dragons can be whipped fine, it's really not difficult
OSRS Gold. Even more difficult is using fire blast. Then Duradel is adamant about assigning extremely difficult jobs to 100+ CB and I'd recommend him only if you're 115 CB+ (but when you can utilize Kuradel then do it!).
Personally, I'd never recommend getting Bandos at your CB (if your not 100plus yet!) I'd suggest you practice your stats more before you make the attempt. But, if you must, Abberant spectres are pretty good, I guess.
I'm interested in joining a team to play GwD. What is the best level I should get, before trying however? I'm going to try melee and join a group of 100+ cb clan friends. Do you guys think i could be a good candidate for these lvls? I'm also in need of advice on what to put in my inventory, and what to equip.
I'd like to be involved with group the most... Additionally, how many people from 100+ CB must i go with? Tyvm for any advise! For GWD Dunge with a group there should be at least 80 people, however, you should have a clan on the larger side (Maybe more than 7 with tanks? ).
Howdy-hey! Your friendly neighborhood rawrgoyle stopping by to say hello to discuss all that kind of stuff. Outside of an overall "WELCOME!" I suppose I don't have much to add. I usually mention my Task process in discussion threads such as these. The Easy/Medium set that you can use in Lumbridge/Draynor won't require an enormous amount of skills
RuneScape 2007 Gold, and you can earn a decent amount of money by performing it!
The Wall