As you've mentioned, yew long bows are the most effective. It's simple and quick, and it makes you lots of money. Selling them is faster and makes more profit than alching
RuneScape 2007 Gold. Sell them unless you're seeking magical exp. While some would recommend magical long bows in order to make it quicker but it's not easy to find magic logs. Exp radio is far more effective than makingselling yew-longs.
The main difference between buying logs and yew longers(u) and yew longers(u) is the much money you'll make. You can make more money according to the price at which you buy the yew shorts(u). However, this takes longer because of the string X option. This means you will make twice as much from the yew logs.
Do you believe I should continue creating Maple Longbow (u) until I'm able to create yew Longbow (u). And then I could just sell those? Are you saying that I string the Yewlongbow(u), and then sell them off? You can also offer the yew bow(u)'s.
If the experience of a lifetime isn't significant to you, and you are more about time, then you should consider the suggestions that cheezy gave. I am only 81 fletching due to the fact that I stopped playing the game after a couple of months
Cheap OSRS Fire Cape. In a strange twist, one of my friends joined me after I had already achieved 70 fletching. He also beat me to level 99.
The Wall