Pay close attention: When liver cancer "reports", the body will have 4 small movements from kaikaixinxin's blog

When it comes to the horror of liver cancer, everyone knows it well. In order to get rid of the death threat brought by liver cancer, improving prevention, early diagnosis and early treatment are the keys to survival. So, what signals are liver cancer warnings in daily life?

For the following high-risk groups for liver cancer, 肝癌 emphasized that you must be extra vigilant at ordinary times, and it is best to have an AFP and ultrasound examination every 6 months.

1. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C patients

First, hepatitis B and hepatitis C patients. According to surveys, more than 80% of hepatocellular carcinoma patients in my country have a history of hepatitis B, and hepatitis B is the highest risk factor for cancer. Secondly, people with cirrhosis are also a high-risk group for liver cancer, and those with primary liver cancer and cirrhosis account for 85% to 90%. In addition, obese and diabetic people may also suffer from liver cancer.

2. People with bad eating habits

In addition to the occurrence of liver cancer caused by their own diseases, healthy people who usually eat too much of these foods can also cause liver cancer.

The first is to eat foods containing aflatoxin. We all know that aflatoxin is the culprit for gastric cancer, liver cancer, and esophageal cancer. Moldy peanuts, grains, nuts, rice and other foods contain this toxin. But because some people don't know, especially the elderly, and don't want to waste food, they may eat it by mistake, which may cause liver cancer.

The second is people who drink a lot for a long time. Alcohol has a significant toxic effect on the liver, causing more than 80% of heavy drinkers to have a certain degree of fatty liver, of which 10%~35% can develop into alcoholic hepatitis, and 10%~20% can develop into cirrhosis, which may lead to liver cancer. So friends who love to drink, don't drink too much.

For liver cancer, which is difficult to treat and has a high risk of death, early detection and prevention are the top priorities to prevent the threat of liver cancer. In addition to the high-risk groups mentioned above, you must be vigilant. If you have these symptoms at ordinary times, you must be careful, because these are common symptoms of liver cancer.

1. Pain in the liver area

The most common symptom of liver cancer is pain in the right upper abdomen, which is usually intermittent or persistent dull pain, dull pain or distending pain. As the disease progresses, the location of the pain is closely related to the location of the lesion. Therefore, if you find that you often feel pain in your right upper abdomen, don't delay, go to the hospital for a check-up.

2. Loss of appetite

In life, we often attribute our loss of appetite to poor appetite. In fact, loss of appetite may also be caused by liver cancer. At the same time, if you have symptoms such as upper abdominal fullness, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea after meals, you should also check if there is a problem with the liver.

3. Weight loss and fatigue

In the late stage of liver cancer, another obvious symptom is general weight loss and fatigue, which is caused by damaged liver function and decreased digestion and absorption function. If you lose weight quickly and feel weak without deliberately losing weight, you should be careful about the possibility of liver cancer.

4. Frequent fever

If you have liver cancer, you will often have fever symptoms, usually low fever, sometimes above 39°C, with continuous fever or low fever in the afternoon or high fever of remittent type. The fever is related to the absorption of necrosis products of the tumor, and compression or invasion of the bile duct by the tumor may cause biliary infection.

Liver cancer needs to be prevented in advance. For patients who have unfortunately suffered from liver cancer, what needs to be done is "three parts treatment and seven parts care". In addition to listening to the doctor's advice and actively cooperating with the treatment, self-care in life is also very important.

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If liver cancer patients have these 4 symptoms, the condition may be serious

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