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About The ISO 22301 Standard

The ISO 22301 standard is the internationally recognized standard for business continuity management systems (BCMS), that provides an effective framework to help organizations protect themselves from the effects of disruptive incidents. ISO 22301 Certification demonstrates that an organization is in compliance with the standard and has a robust and well-designed system in place to protect against, reduce the likelihood of, and ensure its ability to rapidly recover from disruptive incidents.

Why Should I Certify to ISO 22301?

There are plenty of reasons to get ISO 22301 certification, the international standard for business continuity management. Here are just a few:

1) To show that your organization is serious about continuity planning

ISO 22301 Certification demonstrates that you have put in the work to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to keep your business up and running in the face of disruptions, whether they be small-scale incidents or large-scale disasters. This can help give customers, clients, and other stakeholders confidence in your organization's ability to weather any storm.

2) To prepare for the unexpected

By its very nature, continuity planning is all about preparing for the unexpected. By taking the time to develop and implement an ISO 22301-compliant plan, you can be confident that your organization will be able to cope with whatever comes its way.

3) To minimize downtime and disruptions

Disruptions to your business can be costly, both in terms of lost revenue and damaged reputation. By having a certified ISO 22301 management system in place, you can help to minimize the impact of disruptions and get your business back up and running as quickly as possible.

4) To improve your organizational resilience

A certified ISO 22301 management system can help you build a more resilient organization by identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your current setup and putting systems and processes in place to address them. This can help reduce the occurrence and/or impact of future disruptions.

5) To get ahead of the competition

In today's increasingly competitive marketplace, any edge you can give yourself is valuable. By showing that you have gone the extra mile to ensure business continuity, you can set yourself apart from your competitors who have not invested in such certification.

There are plenty of good reasons to certify to ISO 22301 Training - these are just a few of them! If you're looking to improve your organization's continuity planning, this international standard is definitely worth considering.

Understand the ISO 22301 Certification Process

ISO 22301 certification is a formal validation that you have a sound Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) in place that can protect your organization from disruptions of any kind. If you wish to get ISO 22301 certification for your organization then it is important to understand the certification process involved. There are many things to consider when going through the process and this article will help guide you through it.

The first step is to develop a plan for achieving certification. This should include an assessment of your organization's current management system, identification of gaps, and a plan for addressing those gaps. This is done so that any necessary changes can be made prior to the certification audit. You can do this by taking the help of a consultant or by conducting an internal audit.

Choose a Certification Body 

The next step is to choose a certification body. Certification bodies are independent third-party organizations that provide certification services. When selecting a certification body, it is important to choose one that is accredited and has experience in certifying organizations to ISO 22301. Certification from accredited certification bodies is recognized by businesses and governments around the world.

Complete the Certification Application 

After you have selected a certification body, you will be given an application to fill out and submit along with the necessary documents. This application will ask for general information about your organization, as well as specific details about your management system. The certification body will use this information to determine if your organization is ready for certification.

Pay the certification fees 

Based on your needs a quote for certification fees will be provided. This fee covers the cost of the certification process, including the initial assessment, audits, and issuing of the certificate. You may also be required to sign a contract with the certification body which outlines their responsibilities and your organization's obligations.

Undergo the Initial Assessment 

After your application has been reviewed and all required fees have paid, an initial assessment will be conducted. This assessment is conducted to determine an organization's readiness for certification. It involves a review of your management system documentation and employee interviews.

Certification Audit

After the initial assessment is complete and your organization is deemed ready, a certification audit will be conducted. This is done to verify that your management system meets all of the requirements of ISO 22301. An on-site audit will be conducted and auditors will interview employees, review procedures, and observe work being done.

Certificate Issuance

After the certification audit is complete and your organization is found to be in compliance, a certificate will be issued. This certificate is typically valid for three years and can be renewed by undergoing another certification audit.


ISO 22301 certification can be beneficial for any organization that wants to improve its management of Business Continuity. It can help you ensure that your organization is prepared for disruptions and can help you recover quickly from them. The process of certification can seem daunting, but by following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition to ISO 22301 compliance. iso 22301 training