A WCO recognises a river or lakesx99 outstanding natural, recreational, cultural or
Cheap Deadman Gold heritage valuespresently there are 15 WCOprotected waterways throughout New Zealand for a full list click here.“When a WCO is granted it provides National Parktype status, protecting its outstanding natural values for all freshwater fish, wildlife, outdoor recreation and present and future generations,Oliver says.
So, when a WCO is put in place it protects a river from damming, altering its course, or other environmentally damaging instream impacts, he adds.Fish Game NZ, through their efforts to preserve and enhance habitat for species like trout, salmon and a variety of waterfowl, have led the majority of applications for WCOs.
But because a WCO also protects a host of other recreational and indigenous wildlife values, many other parties have assisted their effortsincluding Whitewater NZ, Forest Bird and the Environmental Defence Society. Oliver says he is happy to front the campaign on behalf of these organisations.“We need to get behind Fish Game and the NGOs who’ve gone into bat on behalf of the public so often on this issue.