How to choose the right sunglasses from yongong's blog

First, when purchasing sunglasses, first of all, you should observe whether the lenses of the sunglasses have scratches, impurities, bubbles, stripes, etc.;bulk wholesale sunglasses   secondly, check the outer packaging of the sunglasses, because the general packaging box will have the product name, Anti-counterfeiting signs such as color, quality level, manufacturer's name and trademark, degree of UV protection, polarization or not.

Second, when buying sunglasses, it is best to try them on first to see how the visual effect is, whether there is dizziness, headache, etc. Because sunglasses generally do not have degrees, so the factors of eye degree and interpupillary distance of consumers' duty will affect the matching. Wearing sunglasses has a certain impact on the visual effect. If you are buying sunglasses online, you should consult with the website customer service in the above two aspects to achieve the most basic understanding.

Third, buy sunglasses according to their own needs to buy. For example, it is best for drivers and friends to choose polarized sunglasses when buying sunglasses; if they are just for decoration, they can choose sunglasses with a strong sense of fashion; if they are practical, it is best to choose sunglasses made of resin, which are more wear-resistant and wear-resistant.

Therefore, choosing a good pair of sunglasses can effectively protect our eyes. At the same time, don't choose too bright colors, in case it will cause a certain color difference when you look at things.


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