In a reasonable fight, they may take me down, but I not big on
RS Gold playing fair, and I not here to battle. Not this time around. So what brings me here, to one from the foulest districts in Bilgewater? Money. What else? It would be a gamble, dealing with this job, however the payout is very large enough that I couldn pass up. And besides, I cased this spot to stack when in my favor.
I don plan to linger. I want to maintain and out as fast and as quietly as you possibly can. Once the task done, I try to collect my payment and become gone before dawn. All goes well, Il be halfway to Valoran before anyone knows the damn thing missing. The thugs turn the corner from the massive slaughter shed. Means Ie got two minutes until they swing back aroundplenty of your time.
The silver moon slides behind a bank of clouds, since the wharf in shadow. Crates in the day work are scattered over the dock. It makes for simple cover. I see lookouts on top from the main warehouse, silhouettes standing watch, crossbows at hand. Theye gossiping loudly like fishwives. I might be wearing bells which idiots still wouldn hear me.
They think nobody would be fool enough in
Runescape Gold the future here. A bloated corpse hangs overhead, an alert for all to determine. It spins slowly within the midnight breeze coming from the harbor. It an ugly sight. A huge hook, the kind used to trap devilfish, supports the body aloft. Stepping over rusted chains lying limp upon wet stone, I pass from a pair of towering cranes.
The Wall