Fish Game uses banding to
Buy RS Gold find out survival rates for juveniles and adults, males and females. Recovery of a band also means the distance between the banding site and recovery site can be calculated, as can the time elapsed since banding giving an indication on how long the bird lived for.Staff from the Ministry for Primary Industries use the banding sessions as an opportunity to test the birds for diseases such as avian ‘flu.
Pictured: Hands onFish and Game Chairman Lindsay Lyons and Eastern Manager Andy Garrick bird banding near Te Puke.FURTHER INFORMATION:Senior Fish Game Officer Matthew Mc Dougall Tel 07357 5501 Mob 021278 9408You are hereHome Fish Game introduces new fishing licences for ‘nonresidentsx99 Fish Game New Zealand is launching new licences for overseas anglers who visit the country to fish for longer than a day or so.
The nonresident season licence NRL will cost 160a third more than Kiwis pay.The new licence is aimed in particular at the dedicated overseas angler who comes to New Zealand to fish for trout intensively for days, if not weeks.Nonresident licences will go on sale from Thursday August 21, 2014, and must be purchased by any visitor from another country who wants to fish for trout for an extended period.
Hour licences will still be available to them, but they’ll no longer be eligible for NZ adult whole season, family or winter licences.If a nonresident is caught angling using anything other than an NRL or a 24hour licence, they will be treated in the same way as an unlicenced angler. Prosecution could follow.
The Wall