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I took 5mg of amlodipine without problems for about a month. After the first-week period of adjustment, in which it completely knocked me out, I felt normal again and was overjoyed that it lowered and kept my usual 150+/90+ BP down to a textbook 120/80 (with minor variation).
But then side effects began to develop. I found my sleep increasingly poor, until I could only reach a half-sleep, no matter how much exercise I had had that day (or benadryls or Ambiens I took), \"twilight sleep\" I think it's called, and I arose as tired as when I went to bed, as if I hadn't slept at all.
Then I noticed that I would suddenly have shoulder and upper back muscle pain within an hour of taking amlodipine. The doctor lowered my dose to 2.5mg of amlodipine plus 40mg of benazepril, which brought only temporary improvement. The painful muscle spasms returned.
And most disturbing were the severe hot flashes that woke me up at night, as if the room were on fire, but the thermometer indicated it was only about 70°F (21°C) and my own body temperature was sub-normal, only 97 F or so (36 C), but despite my feelings of being overheated, I did not sweat - except from the soles of my feet, which is unusual for me. But my skin felt like it was on fire.
Then I would often wake with my brain \"on fire\" and itching like a bad allergy that I couldn't get to to scratch, and my eyes burning and streaming with tears.
The end of the amlodipine is when I opened the trunk (boot) of my car and blood vessels in the tips of my fingers where they had contacted the edge of the trunk (boot) lid burst and my fingers swelled up. I have never had weak blood vessels, or anything like that happen before.
Calcium blockers cause the blood vessels to relax and thin out - and now I wonder if not become weak. That would be a great setup for a stroke. I basically had a stroke in my fingers.
I will NEVER take this medication again. I believe it can lead to muscle pain, unrestorative interrupted sleep, and worse, strokes. I now consider it poison for me.
By the way, amlodipine has been banned in the Netherlands and other countries because its dangerous negative side effects outweigh its benefits. I don't think the Dutch are arbitrary or capricious in their decisions - I totally agree. This substance should be banned everywhere.
Charlie, this is an excellent question and one that has troubled me greatly since quitting amlodipine. By the way, for those who use it, amlodipine seems it might have rebound flashbacks - esp. sudden and erratic changes in blood pressure, high heart rate for no reason, hot flushes, and constant lethargy. I am concerned that it may have damaged my nervous system. I was never told to wean off of it, but I'm glad it's gone anyway. I only hope \"time will heal\".
The doctor seems to have given up on me, as most other patients don't have the same disturbing side effects. ACE inhibitors (e.g. benazerpril) have only moderate effects on me (and lisinopril gives me insomnia), and losartan (Cozaar and other ARBs) seems to have had little effect on me for the last few years - it used to be a problem-free solution to my blood pressure - no side effects.
In the past, I always found that benzodiazepines (clonazepam, lorazepam, and particularly alprazolam - Xanax - unavailable in the UK I believe) lowered my BP dramatically and rapidly, but their effect is noticeably decreased now, following the amlodipine. They are not good long-term BP meds anyway, as they are addictive and intended for short-treatment of anxiety and panic - BP is \"off label\" use.
I have tried Bystolic (nebivolol), but it lowered my heart rate into the 40s!!!
Since my doctor has \"thrown up his hands\" and figures I know how to monitor my blood pressure and the \"pharmacy\" of anti-hypertensives I've accumulated in various \"experimental\" prescriptions, I feel I'm on my own now. I am trying a combination of Xanax, benazepril (an ACE), losartan (an ARB), and atenolol (good for nothing but heart rate control in my body).
I'm somewhat overweight and need to lose about 20 pounds to get to the ideal weight for my build, and I need FAR more sweaty exercise. No fatty foods, no decongestants (not the same as antihistimines, such as chlorphenimine, which lowers my BP a bit), no stimulants, and no oversleeping (which that amlodipine made so easy to do - sometimes a ghastly 12 hours a day!!! My cats can work with that, but that's going to end because my BP goes sky-high when I stay in bed beyond a normal length of time, despite the lethargy). Sorry, but that's all I have to offer, and I don't even know if I'm on the right track. Oh, and NO alcohol - it causes my BP to rollercoaster like crazy, from very low (even hypOtensive) to frighteningly high
I realise your posting is fairly old, but I have just discovered it. Weaning off Amlodipine is not necessary. Depending on how long you were taking this drug, it may take a while for the side effects to leave your body. As for your doctor 'throwing up his hands\"..from what you say, he can't figure out how to get your blood pressure down. Why not ask for a referral to a Nephrologist. There could be something going on with the kidneys, their structures, or Adrenal glands. Also, I don't know about Britain, but according to the Canadian is NOT at all recommended that a patient take both an A.C.E. & an ARB. It's one or the other, not both. What disturbs me is that you are not only taking both of are also on Atenolol. Get back to your doctor.
- Colibri,
Yes, your havent been alone in suffering with this drug, I myself had a dreadfull time, before I took it as prescribed I was (relatively) heathly but with high bp. About a week into the med I had red inflamed knees & shins, swollen ankles, burning feeelings in my kness and joints, poor sleep, poor thought patterns ete etc.
I too myself off and it took about a week to feel normal again.
The syptoms you mention, in my opinion, are very dangerous for you- simple logic dictates that. You will need to confer with your doc and get another prescription.
I myself am going down the weight loss/ healthy eating, low salt diet regime but be warned if you try that you will need to be 99% dedicated to it to get benefits, and if you like a drink keep it down to a minimum level. good luck Ivan.
Wow, Ivan, you give me hope! These horrible symptoms can pass in time.
If you read my comment at the end of these, my doc has given up on me. I am full-heartedly (no pun intended) with you in your last paragraph. I've found salt to be a big factor - I have to shop at a special health-food grocery for no-salt, low-salt everything. It really makes a difference! I ate something salty (by accident) yesterday and my BP is 160/100 this morning!!! I'm going for a long walk in a few minutes then a hot, sweaty bath!!
Hello Colibri,
Yes your synptoms will pass but as you have been on the drug for some time unlike myself you wll hav to keep a watch out for rebound hypertension which can be dangerous, I tapered off slowly over a week or so. ....With salt in food its amazing just how much there is when you look! And, as you say, how you can tast it straight away if you have it in foodstuffs unawares, as an update I am now on Indapamide 1.5mg as a last resort from my gp. I will post here again when I have an update. Seems I just cannot tolerate ace inhibitors etc so this combined with a new diet and lifestyle I'm hopefull will do the trick.
Oh Ivan, believe me! I know about the rebound hypertension! I've been fighting it every day. I sometimes wake up in the early hours of the morning with 170+/110+ (terrified, my head feels like it's going to explode), apparently when the alprazolam (Xanax), benazepril (Lotensin), and losartan (Cozaar) I took at bedtime wear off.
I'm dealing with frightening hypertension that was never this high before - thanks to the vengeful rebound of going \"cold turkey\" on the amlodipine - fighting it with a barrage of anti-hypertensives. My doctor did call back and remind me to keep my supplements of magnesium high (no less than 400mg a day, which I already take - it's the RDA), as magnesium will act as a calcium-channel blocker, though not as potent as amlodipine, and its only side effect is drowsiness (unless you take magnesium oxide, which is like taking a quick laxative!), Mg glycinate, aspartate, or orotate are the best choices. I doubled my magnesium, and I definitely have increased control of my BP (but I stay drowsy all day). My BP is still too high (it peaks in the high 150s/90s now), but it's gradually coming down, even faster with the extra magnesium. I finally got it down to about 130/82 this afternoon, but of course, I'll have to keep on it until the \"amlodipine effect\" is completely gone. Is it any wonder it's banned in Europe?
You're right about salt! I've been on no/low salt food for so long, that regularly salted food burns my tongue - I can't eat it.
Best of luck with your new regimen. I truly hope everything works out for the best. You know I know your pain! Do post here how things go.
Hello Colibri,
Yes...this drug should be off the market everywhere. I presented much the same symptoms and more, but my dr refused to listen. I endured the side effects and 2 1/2 years later I now have periperal neuropathy all over my body. Extremely slow recovery from nerve damage. Some how we need to start a discusssion that brings us all together as a collective voice of experience on theis drug and present it to the medical boards, FDA (which already know about the devastating effects) our elected officials. This drug MUST be gotten rid of. Let's everyone who follows this post start doing what I have done, copy and paste and print these discussion from various web blogs as testistimonials. I have also gathered enough clinical information about this drug and it's effects. Now I'm in the process of looking for a law firm that is willing to start a class action lawsuit. Many have suffered debilitating effects and need to be compensated and more importantly will possibly keep others form being effected by this drug. WHO IS WITH ME ON THIS EFFORT!
Hi michele20247,
I am in agreement with you. I know my kidney doctor told me the drug couldn't be causing the symptoms I was having. After two ER visits, one where they thought I was having a heart attack and the other for being so dizzy, I refused to take the drug. Thank God, I wasn't on it that long. My body is very drug-sensitive.
I fail to understand why doctors fail to listen to the patients. They look at you like you are nuts.
Please keep me apprised if you find a lawyer who will take the case.
Thanks for sharing. Take care and hope you are doing well.
I took amlodipine for two weeks and I was dizzy felt dreadful. Went on holiday and had to leave at 4 am for a flight so didn't take the medication 5mg. That night I took it. I couldn't breathe if I had been able to get to a hospital I would have but we were in the middle of nowhere with no reception. I thought I was going to die. I stopped and survived but I couldn't walk more than a few steps or go upstairs for many weeks without having to rest on each stair had diarrhoea continuously, leg pains, dizzy,the list goes on. 8 weeks later I can walk on the flat, still coming home from work and going to bed, barely able to remember work related thngs I could before still can't walk upstairs without getting breathless and have to continuously rest throughout the day. I have improved a lot but how much longer will it take to get back to normal. Blood pressure all over the place and going to have a 24 hour monitor to check it again. Really concerned about never getting back to normalfore
Almo, I really feel your pain! Since I stopped amlodipine, I have felt out of breath and totally exhausted, and today I felt so terribly weak I was afraid this would be the day I would diel
While I was exhausted and wanted to lie back down, my blood pressure skyrocketed to 170/110 and only alprazolam (xanax) brought it down to 145/88. My ACE inhibitor (benazepril) and ARB (losartan) had no effect at all! But of course, xanax made me so drowsy that all I had to go back to bed. Later, a little vodka helped a lot, alleviating some of xanax's drowsiness - maybe it flushed more of that poisonous amlodipine out of my body!
All my best in your finding the right meds for you!
Amlodipine is a very effecive drug to lower blood pressure, and some people are very fortunate not to have any significant side effects.
But I have found that people who do have troubling side effects usually say that the problems slowly increase in intensity (amlodipine side effects are seldom immediate - it took a month for mine to develop to the point that I began to feel they were becoming dangerous), and people often develop other side effects later on. In my experience and conversations with people, any side effects of amlodipine you experience are unlikely to go away with time (as with many other drugs) - they stay the same or get worse. In other words, I fear that after 9 months, your sleep problems will not improve and your resulting fatigue in the morning won't either. By the way, do you check your heart rate on a regular basis? That was one of my not so obvious side effects - my heart rate steadily increased from about 60 to more than 80 - something that I would not have known for sure without a blood pressure machine that also measures pulse rate. When your heart is beating faster all the time, it is working harder, and you feel more tired.
I returned to a mild ACE inhibitor (benazepril), a very low-salt, low-fat diet, and I lost weight - and my blood pressure returned to acceptable levels (with NO side effects!). But salty and fatty foods still raise my blood pressure!
I'm so sorry that amlodipine doesn't seem to be improving anything but your BP. It also gave me tinnitus (constant noise in the ear). My right ear developed a noise (which was esp. disturbing at night) that sounded like a small electric motor buzzing. I finally had to get a \"white noise machine\" (like a fan, etc.) to block out the noise. My left ear then developed a penetrating screaming sound (not very loud, but constant, and very noticeable when all was quiet. Since amlodipine dilates arteries all over the body, it seemed it was allowing too much blood to rush through my inner ears and cause these annoying effects. Personally, with all the side effects I experienced (there were a dozen more, including very easy bruising and swelling), I will never take this drug again.
I really didn't count days as I was afraid it was permanent (fortunately it wasn't), but I would say maybe a month after my last amlodipine. There are other things that can cause hissing in your ears, such as lots of aspirin, pepto-bismol, exposure to very loud music or noises, and getting past 60 year old! I still have mild hissing, sometimes light ringing in my ears, but it started before amlodipine. After a while my brain kinda shuts it out, and I have to stop in a silent place and pay attention to whether my ears are hissing or not - usually they are - no biggie. But the strange electric-motor sound was unique for me with amlodipine. It has disappeared now.
Hello, i am new to this forum. I have been taking 2 different medications (lisonopril and atenolol) for high blood pressure for quite sometime but recently i experienced spikes as high as 195/117, for reasons that I cannot explai, and the spikes would last several days. Terrified i contacted the doctor who added Amlodipine. I took the first one yesterday, but now i am reading all these posts and wonder if i should even continue with this new medication. I know i should decrease my salt intake and i will do this rather than taking a chance with a 3rd med with awful side effects...
Hello Kaleani, I guess most of us on this discussion would say avoid Amlodipine, just reading through the side effects is enough to give anyone high blood pressure. I believe a lot of the BP drugs fail to control the BP sufficiently after a while and you have to use a different one but a healthy lifestyle should be the first approach - weight, exercise, low salt etc. but not an easy option and not one that doctors seem to look at? Bottom line, for me anyway, is drugs have to be a last resort. I was prescribed Amlodipine - horrid side effects, so changed to ramipril - no improvement - and then indapamide - no improvement and with no time between prescriptions for the chemicals to be removed from the body I have now ended up with an autoimmune condition and steroids.
Hi Colibri,
I am a 79 year old male with heart disease and recently diagnosed as Type 2 diabetic although not yet requiring treatment. I weigh 93 Kg and am 5' 10\", waist 42\". Retired graphic designer but still designing professionally. Following three cardiac episodes in 1997 I had heart surgery in Aug 1999 involving 5 bypasses. The surgeon told me I could expect the operation to last ten years so I am pleased to have passed his expectations. 3 months ago I started dog-walking with a friend and was feeling on top of the world until I had to attend for my six monthly check-up when my BP was noted as having risen from 148 to 164. My BP has been known to fluctuate between these figures ever since my bypass operations so I was not unduly worried. However, my doctor prescribed Amlodipine and advised me that it was a less troublesome drug than one I had already taken (Bendroflumethiazide 2.5 mg) but which had been discontinued due to possible conflict with a gout attack I suffered and was treated with a double dose of my regular Allpurinol.
I started the course of Amlodipine 5 mg tablets seven days ago and have noticed some alarming side effects: muscular pains in my stomach & legs, feeling painful needle pricks in my feet, blurred vision, wheezing and a general feeling of aching lethargy.
A few days ago I had to attend my clinic for a B12 and a shingles injection and while there I asked the practise nurse if she would check my BP but she said it would be a month before any change could show.
After reading the comments on this forum I am stopping taking the tablet today. I will inform my doctor who is sure to try and persuade me to continue but I felt I was doing so well before adding this tablet to my medications.
I am determined to try a more refined diet and a more rigorous exercise routine. I do not smoke and only drink wine occasionally with food.
I will follow your progress and I will report if my BP changes.
Best wishes.
Hi bill59563..In this forum, we do not represent ourselves as doctors, but try to help others with what we've experienced with various medications.
I have a few relatives & some friends who take Amlodipine without any problems whatsoever. This medication doesn't agree with me, so after a year with burning legs, I finally came off it. The burning has subsided considerably, but my doctor did tell me that physiologically, it could take a while for the drug to completely leave my system. Yes, you've read some pretty disturbing comments on this forum about the Amlodipine, but everyone is different. I would not encourage you to stop medication due to what you read on here. You've only been on the tablets a week..not enough time to see if they will help you or not. However after another week or so, if you are still experiencing troublesome side effects, then by all means get back to your doctor. As for it taking a month for any reduction to show in your bp readings, again..not being a doctor; I disagree with that. My advice to you at this point would be to spend some money on a reliable bp machine. I recommend Omron. They're known for accuracy. Monitor your bp at home..but don't get yourself into the habit of taking readings constantly. Bp fluctuations minute to minute. If you do get a high reading, don't let it cause panic; however if the readings stay high over a few days, then by all means this should be brought to the doctor's attention. Apply the cuff to your LEFT arm, approx. 1/2\" above the bend in your elbow. Be sure the tube runs down the centre of the bend of your arm. Sit with your feet flat on the floor, with your left arm resting on a table, even with your heart, & with palm facing upward. Rest for a few minutes..completely relax, then take your bp readings. Do not take readings within 30 min. of eating, drinking coffee, alcohol etc..smoking, bathing, showering. Keep a record of your readings over several days.I'd suggest you take 2 readings per day...1 in the morning, 1 in the mid to late afternoon..but do not take readings if you're feeling ill or are in pain, or under stress.
A refined diet & more exercise is always good regardless of what your bp readings may be. Again, before you stop taking the Amlodipine, talk to your doctor!!!
I have reported to my doctor that because of the side effects from Amlodipine I no longer take it. His reply was to tell me that my side effects were widely reported and were well known. He agreed that it obviously didn't suit me and made an appointment to discuss the matter in two weeks hence. But I fear that I have lost confidence in the medical profession - remember when thalidomide was prescribed for morning sickness?. Even now two weeks after stopping Amlodipine I am still experiencing discomfort with nausea, blurred vision and excessive flatuence although the cramps in the legs have gone and I am breathing and sleeping better. However, I am sure that I have done the right thing. I now have an Omron BP monitor but have a feeling of being a hypocondriac. Some years past I had a colonoscopy which revealed that I had divertucolitis (?sp) and wonder if this is indirectly related to my digestive problems. I am walking for an hour each day which can only do me good and there has been a little weight loss.
Hi bill59563...I'm glad you consulted with your doctor. Never should anyone stop medication without their doctor knowing, or being supervised by the doctor. While the doctor agreed you should stop taking the Amlodipine, were you given anything else.?? I stopped taking the Amlodipine about 2 months ago, & although my side effects have improved, I'd say about 85-90%,they are not completely gone...however, I'm happy with the improvement. My doctor said that although I've stopped the medication, & considering I was on it for a year, physiologically, it could \"take a while\" for all the effects to leave my body. I know some people who take Amlodipine without problems, then there are some who suffer swollen ankles/legs. As you know there is a host of people on this forum who have had nasty side effects. Like anything else; what's good for one, isn't good for another. You've stated an improvement with the cramps, breathing & sleeping. I'm sure the rest will come with time. You said you now have a bp monitor but have the feeling of being a 'hypocondriac'. Don't allow the machine to intimidate you. Only take your readings when yoiu're completely relaxed. Don't think about the numbers. In an earlier post, I explained the proper procedure for taking your bp readings. You've lost a little weight, & are walking an hr. each day. THAT is a VERY good thing!!!! Keep it up,Buddy.
I checked with the Dutch regulator - Amlodipine isn't banned in the Netherlands - it's on the 'script list there. Nevertheless, I stopped taking it after two weeks because of swollen ankles and not sleeping. My concern was that something which prevented fluid returnin from th legs - which act as pumps, an't bother patient. e a good thing. She said it suited other patients. If you're the right weight, eat properly and exercise, you're doing all you can. But stress raises cortisol levels and cfronic stress is a killer. And the advice about defective kidneysis good, here. I wouldn't take Amlodipine again, though.
I am so glad that I found this discussion. I've been taking amlodipine for at least four years. Insomnia and unrestful sleep are the main side effects I've had, with resulting fatigue and muscle weakness that I was blaming on aging. I'm 66. I often think if this is aging, I can't stand it. I have horrible feelings of unreality and depersonalization.
Sometimes it goes away for a day or two, and I try to figure out what I did differently because the awful feelings are now the norm. I used to write and do artistic activities. Nothing motivates me. I have memory problems and ringing/buzzing in the ears. I have muscle pain, joint pain, swelling in ankles, etc.
After reading these forums, I want to get off amlodipine to see if my old self will return. I am afraid to, and my doctor thinks the anxiety (depersonalization and derealizatio) are just psychological and wants me to take antidepressants, which I refuse to do.
now I can see that the side effects started about the same time as the amlodipine. My bp is 132/73 when I take it, 140/89 when the doctor takes it.
i know I can't cold turkey.
i also know my doctor won't go along with this, so I am on my own.
because I took it for so long, is it dangerous to go off of it?
You need to explain to your doctor how you feel and get him to replace it. There are other blood pressure medicines and you need to find one without these awful side effects. I came off it after three weeks as I felt so ill. I had to clear my system for two weeks and was then started on a very low dosage of candesartan, which I have taken ever since with few side effects. If your doctor blocks you, ask to see another doctor or be referred. There are plenty of others, who will be sympathetic to your needs.
I call this drug the drug from hell. Good luck and don't feel you are being a nuisance.
I have been on this awful medication for two months after perindopril causing my reynauds syndrome.At first I was fine then slowly the side effects started,headaches,palpitations and a racing heart,tummy pains,constant hot flushes,insomnia yet I'm shattered all day long and lack of appetite,a couple of mouthfuls of dinner and I'm done,pains in my knees.After another night of no sleep I have been to the Drs today who looked at me and basically said you have read the side effects leaflet,yes I have and the medications is affecting me badly.She wanted to put me on another drug from the same family which I declined,I've never felt so ill.I have come away with candesartan 2mg to start but as long as I'm off of this awful medication I don't care.I eat healthily,I exercise,high BP runs in my family.Im wondering how long for this medication to leave my system I want my life back.
Fear not dear lady, My doctor was very understanding after I had related many of the symptoms of which you reported. Previously my blood pressure had been around the 163 to 180 mark before I was put on Amolodopine so stopping the tablet was because of the side effects. I had been off the tablet for about three weeks and bought an Omron BP meter. I was surprised to note that my BP had dropped to 125ish and when I reported this to the GP he suggested I do not take a replacement pill. I am already on Anapril, Statin, aspirin and monomil. Now after taking a daily walk of a mile or so my blood presure had steadied around 120 although it has often dropped to below that. The secret for me is walking a dog. I go out in all weathers and sometimes ask myself if I am crazy but it's worked. I feel OK and in just over two months I shall be eighty.

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