How Much Propecia pay by Mastercard Propecia from Jim Kirchoff's blog

Product name: Propecia

Active substance: Finasteride

Also Known As: Propecia / Proscar

Were to buy: Go to product page

Price (Per pill): $ 0.60

Payment method: Visa / MasterCard / MoneyGram / Wiretransfer / Eurodebit / Amex

Is used to: Generic Propecia is used for treating certain types of male pattern hair loss (androgenic alopecia) in men. It is also used to treat symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate.

Manufacturer: Ajanta / Dadha Pharma

Rating: 89% based on 3071 user votes.

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For naturals, trt, and maybe cruise: Finasteride should be sufficient depending on how sensitive to DHT your hair follicles are.
If finasteride stops working, increasing the dose above 1mg/day won't do anything, switch to dutasteride.
If you're blasting testosterone, dutasteride.
Oral DHT inhibitors work well with testosterone, not so much with androgens that fuck your hairline, no 5-ar enzyme required.
Topical anti-androgens are nice because from my understanding they don't affect receptors anywhere else but wherever applied to locally. These occupy your receptors (in your scalp) and don't let androgens (whether it's DHT, tren, trestolone, anadrol, etc.) enter. Kind of like SERMs and estrogen.
Spironolactone is popular and easy to get. There's RU58841 which is the strongest anti-androgen topical but I've always been kind of iffy on the source for this one. It's also not completely known whether systemic sides are possible with RU58841. This would mean it might suppress androgen receptors.
Nizoral is nice too because it occupies the receptors like the above and also has an effect on inflammation in the hair follicles. Hair loss occurs alongside inflammation. From my understanding, DHT causes some strange thing to happen in the hair follicle which causes an inflammatory response from your immune system. This response is what fucks your hair in the ass. Nizoral helps with these two things.
Not eating wheat stops and reverses hair loss apparently. Don't know about this one but people say it works and it's gh15 approved.
I use Nizoral and spiro. From my understanding, there's a (small) chance that fina/duta might kill libido in men by undergoing some process that's not completely understood and has nothing to do with the 5ar enzyme. Either that or it's all in some people's head and they're blaming dead dick on fina. Didn't want to risk it anyways.
It's 250 mg every three days.
The Basic Bulk: 90% of the first cycles you'll see on this subreddit, and on forums in general, consist of these basic ingredients. A first cycle should only include one compound, so that you're able to see exactly how you respond to doses of AAS. If you're taking 2 or 3 compounds at once and start getting side effects, it'll be impossible to tell which compound is the culprit. Test-E is ideal for a first cycle for multiple reasons: It is a long acting ester, which means you only have to pin once, or preferably twice, a week instead of every day. Secondly, you're supplementing your body with a hormone that it already makes naturally, which makes Testosterone one of the safer steroids. Outlined below is the general, cookie-cutter first bulking cycle. It is tried and true, and it will work for you.
Weeks 1-12: Testosterone Enanthate, 250 mg, E3D
Weeks 13-14: Nothing (This allows the extraneous testosterone to clear your body).
On Hand Throughout Cycle: An AI like Arimidex in case signs of excessive bloating or itchy nipples occur
I am liking your idea though man
Hey man, good question.
So to start, yes your DHT levels will most definitely rise whenever you increase your testosterone levels. It should be noted that testosterone also has a negative effect on sensitive hair follicles.
Will this maintain your hair as is? Impossible to tell. Hairloss is all about how sensitive your hairs androgen receptors are. You could have semi-sensitive androgen receptors where finasteride would be enough to block a ton of DHT or you could have very sensitive receptors where a small increase in DHT will have a big impact on your hair.
So you've got a few options: try it out and monitor closely, increase your finasteride dosage, or get on a DHT killer like dutasteride. Of course, be sure to check with your GP before you try any of this shit.
Hope this helps, lemme know if you have any more hairloss related questions!
It might help, but I say don't touch the shit. Finasteride destroyed my libido and I still feel like it never fully recovered even after stopping the drug. Post finasteride syndrome is a very real thing. Check out RU58841 instead. It's an experimental topical anti-androgen that works just as good if not better than finasteride, and it will protect your scalp from all androgens and not just DHT from test like finasteride. It's available in powder form and you can make your own solution in propylene glycol and ethanol. I've been using 100mg a day now for over 6 weeks and I've noticed drastic improvement in hair density and I've gotten regrowth at my hairline from where it receded during my last cycle.
Can't really give an honest answer to that myself. You should do your own research and try to see if that might be an issue. From everything I've read about it I want to say that it's at least far less risky than finasteride which many young guys hop on. RU isn't meant to work at a systemic level since it's a topical but some of it can go systemic and give you finasteride-like side effects. I haven't experienced any of this though despite having obvious side effects when using fin so I'm hoping most other people might be the same way

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